Friday, May 14, 2010

Note To Self

Today I finally had a chance to work on another “Who Am I” assignment. It was about writing a letter to someone. I liked her prompt to listen to the Brad Paisley song and ended up writing some life notes to myself. It got me thinking. If I really could go back and tell myself something what would I say? Would I try and get myself to change so I wouldn’t have to experience some of the hard things I did? I don’t think I would. Looking at it now, even though it was hard at the time, it completely made me who I was. I wouldn’t want to change that.

I ended up feeling like the biggest thing I would say is: be careful how you treat people. Those are the things I have the biggest regrets about today. Relationships with people that I missed out on for various reasons. It’s all about the people. Nothing else really matters in the end, except for them.

I still need to realize even now amidst the business of life that it’s still all about the people. I won’t have regrets about anything else in the end. Just about the people.

“Never let a problem to be solved be more important than a person to be loved.”

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I have been wanting to submit to the Spoonflower weekly fabric design contest and was finally able to come up with something for this week’s theme of puppets. I’d really like that $100 worth of fabric to get rid of a whole bunch of ideas floating around in my head that are dying to get put on some fabric. I’d love it if you would be willing to vote for me. (If you feel that it’s worthy of your vote.) :) To vote simply go to Spoonflower. Click on contests in the menu bar and then in the top right corner of your screen you can vote on this week’s puppet patterns.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Generations of Mothers

I hope you all had a wonderful mother’s day.  I had a wonderful one! I spent time with family viewing homemade cards, eating breakfast and dinner that was made for me, spent some time chatting with family on Skype, hearing wonderful messages at church and just enjoyed the day.

I am so grateful for my mom (the baby in this picture) and all the mom’s before her like my grandmother.  They have had more impact on me than they think sometimes.  I don’t think you begin to appreciate your mom until you become a mom yourself. I don’t think I’ve appreciated
- all the home cooked meals, bread and treats she made for us all the time. It was always homemade.
- the many mornings she woke us up early before school to read scriptures as a family and have family prayer.
- all the home-evening lessons she prepared and taught us.
- the hard work she taught us to do through having a garden and canning every year. Sitting and shelling peas or snapping beans as we talked or watched movies.
- living on a limited budget, staying out of debt and running their own business, which required lots of work, sacrifice and creativity on making money stretch.
- for making birthdays a special day for us.
- for showing us to serve in the church. To dedicate your all, give your all and do what you know is right.
- for teaching me to cook, clean, sew, and develop homemaking skills, which has made it so much easier becoming a wife and mother.
- encouraging me to pursue my art, and letting me develop my creativity. I would always ask her what I should draw or paint for art class, and she always responded “a Rhinoceros”. I would roll my eyes, get her point that she wasn’t going to come up with my idea for me, and move on. Someday she is going to get her Rhinoceros.
- teaching us how to serve, be grateful and help others.
- the importance of family vacations and time together.
- all the days, evenings and weekends that she held the house together on her own, and took care of us, because dad was working or serving in the church.  That was not an easy endeavor and I know she was exhausted, stressed and wishing she had her husband home more. 
She sacrificed lots and did EVERYTHING for us. I hope she knows that I recognize it and love her so much for it.  She was an amazing mom, and I am so blessed to have her as my mother.

Friday, May 7, 2010

What Bugs Me?

Here is another page for the Who Am I book. 10 Things that bug me. Oh there are many more, but it’s best not to dwell on all of them. :)

Also check out this great interview of a friend of mine, Mandy. It’s all about being a creative mom. She has some great insights that I can echo loud and clear.  She is also a great example to me of one that is doing it the right way. (Being a mother and Artist at the same time.) Keep at it Mandy!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Who Am I

I digital scrapbook a lot. Not for recording my history, or making keepsake books for my children. (Although I do end up with some of that) I do it mostly for the creative release and also for my design work with ScrapGirls.  In the process of these hundreds of layouts I’ve made there are only a couple that are of me and my life.  Lately as I’ve been more involved in Family History and the stories, I often wish there were stories of these amazing people that I descended from and yet there is nothing. I’m only left to imagine what they were like.

I  find that I have the same desires and questions about my mom. (I hope your reading this!)  Wondering what all of her history is. We’ve heard some of the stories, but there is a lot there that we don’t know as well. I want to know more.  I also realize that someday my children may be saying the same thing. So I’ve decided to do scrap more about me.  I going to take some time to celebrate my life and the little things that make me who I am.

So I joined Anna’s class called Who Am I? at ScrapGirls, and will be creating 20 layouts about just me. I’m hoping to accomplish them all, and possibly add to them in the hopes of creating my own story to share with my kids and their posterity.

So today’s topic was quick and easy – 10 of my favorite things.  I realize I have way more than 10 favorites… but these are a few of the top ones.

I also love it when a project like this can kill 2 other birds with one stone. A personal progress goal and a Family History goal that our stake has right now for everyone in the wards. Yes!   

(So MOM…. I still want to learn more about you and who you are. I want some stories to pass on to my kids, and I want to hear some memories. So if you want to take some of these same topics, answer them and email them to me… I’ll even put them together for you in a book…. How much EASIER could it get!  Not much.   You’re always asking what to get us for Christmas…. hint hint….  The offer stands for my mother in law too.  I know her sons would appreciate it!)