Saturday, August 25, 2012

Letting It Shine

This last year has been quite a growing period for me in so many ways.  One of those specifically being the choice that I made to homeschool my kids.  It has made me grow, stretch and learn things that I don't think I would have ever learned had I not brought them home.  It's been an incredible journey. Hard in some aspects and yet so rewarding in others.


There have been so many things that I've wanted to say. So many thoughts and feelings that I've wanted to share with you. Insights, difficulties, joys, and tender mercies that I've wanted to tell everyone about.  But in the process I've been hesitant to do so.  Here are some of the reasons why.

1) Some are very personal understandings and learning that are intended just for me.

2) Some are still more attacking that supportive.  They are still letting us know how they think we should do it, that we're not doing enough, that our kid should be doing this or that, that we're not doing it right and we're going to mess them up.  That they will either be smart or stupid. I have come to have some pretty strong opinions about things this year, and I don't feel like arguing about it with people. I would love to have a serious discussion with people, even those that don't agree. Especially if I feel like they are willing to listen and aren't going to be attacking me the whole time.

3) There are a lot of good mothers out there who sincerely want to do what is best for their child, and feel guilty or wonder if they are not a good mother if they don't homeschool.  I never want to make someone feel guilty or bad. Everyone's circumstance is different. Each family is unique, each child is unique.  We don't have to do it all the same way.

But lately I've been having a feeling that I should be saying more. I should be sharing the things I've learned and starting to understand because maybe there is one person out there that needs to hear it.  Maybe there is one person who is struggling with something that could gain from it.  Maybe there is someone that just needs the confidence to do it.  I have had quite a few say that they've thought about homeschool, that they'd like to do it, they just don't know if they could.  Maybe they need to see that it's possible and the Lord will help them along the way.

This morning as I was thinking about all the things that I'd like to share, the things I'm excited about, and whether or not to stick it ALL out there. I had part of this quote pop into my head:

"You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” -  Marianne Williamson

You don't shine a light by hiding it under a bushel.

So over the next little bit I'm going to be sharing some of my journey to homeschool. Why I decided to do it, things that I have been learning in the process, tender mercies that the Lord has given us. Some of these might come across as being strongly opinionated.  (If you don't already know that I have strong opinions about some things and feel pretty deeply about some stuff then you really don't know me well. :))  In sharing them with you I am not doing it make you feel bad, or guilty about what you are currently doing with your family.  That's not my purpose.  That is your stewardship and the Lord is letting you know what you need to do for them.  I am sharing it in hopes that maybe it can help someone. Maybe it can make you think, ask questions and start searching for answers. Maybe it will give you the courage to let your light shine a little bit more.


But mostly it will be a written record for my own children of what their mom believed, chose to do while raising them, and the things I learned with them in the process. Really all of this is for them.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Another Round of Art Classes

I have decided to do another 10 weeks of children's art classes this upcoming fall. They will be held on Fridays at 2:00 pm and possibly 3:00 pm.  If anyone is interested leave me a comment or send me an email and I'll get you the information for them.

Treasure Maps!

You can't study pirates for a school unit and NOT do pirate maps. When I took an e-course from Deep Space Sparkle this summer she had a lesson on making treasure maps. I could not pass this up on our unit. It was just too much fun.    She had great handouts that talked about the different items you'd find on an old map, how to make scrolls, and we just had a blast with it.  Shark infested waters, treasures, whales and serpents   We also came across a really cool pirate game that works with checkers. Where you have the Spanish Fleet trying to get their ships of gold safely back to Spain without loosing it all to the pirate ship. The kids loved it.

Of course even sometimes mom wants to have fun drawing and painting too and making a map was just too hard to pass up. I usually give it the name of "demonstrating" the lesson, but really it's just me wanting to relax and play too.

Incas, Conquistadors and Pirates!

Recently we did a unit for homeschool on the conquistadors, Aztecs, Incas, Myans and pirates. We read this great book about the Lost City, learned about Pizarro and Cortez, made some Spanish doubloons and finished off with some gold Inca masks.

We used gold foil to create our Inca masks and our Spanish doubloons. We learned about symmetry while drawing our masks, and then texture as we pushed the foil in and out to create the textures of the facial features and designs.

We added a bit of color with some colored permanent markers and additional decorations such as feathers and beads.

And yes... that mess you see on the table is what you see at our house on a regular basis during school time.

 I just love the unique way they turned out, especially the shininess of the gold foil!  The kids loved this project and ended up playing with their masks quite a bit afterwards.

Down by the Sea

This was the last project we finished for our summer class.  It seemed only fitting that it be a beach summer theme. This was a two day project for us. The first day we painted the background sky and sand. Then painted and textured our blue papers for our water. The second day was spent collaging boats and putting together our sea.  This is a great lesson for talking about depth and space. How objects look smaller the farther they are away, and how the boat that is going to be the farthest in the distance is going to be tiny compared to the boat that's closest to you.  Some of them got this concept easier than others or they made the different sized boats but forgot placement when they started gluing. It was also works wonderful for talking about overlapping with the waves and ocean to make the boats look in the water and to create a feeling of depth.  Sorry about my slightly blurry photos. My camera hasn't been working all that great lately.

I found the idea for this project at Fine Lines.

Colorful Chameleons

I've seen this lesson on deep space sparkle for a while and just fell in love with it.  But I'm a sucker for anything bright and colorful. I decided to do it with one of my private students and some of my kids. I thought they did a great job. Unfortunately I only have two pictures of the finished ones and my sample.  This lesson is great for talking about complimentary colors, brightness and contrast, how to draw animals, and pastel techniques.

Mid-evil Castles

I'm finally having a chance to get caught up on some of our art projects for this summer's class.  One of our summer art classes was creating some mid-evil castles. I don't know of any child that doesn't love the magical, fairy tale dream land.  They did a great job creating these, and it would have been nice to have a bit more time to put in backgrounds. I probably should have given one more class period to painting backgrounds.  Live and learn I guess.  Some of the things they learned about was: Architecture, pattern and texture. I still love how one lesson can vary so much from the Kindergartener up to the 5th grader.

I took the idea for this lesson from Deep Space Sparkle.