Thursday, January 31, 2008

One of those days

           It's been one of those long tiring days. Isaac has not been feeling well the last couple of days, but then he woke up last night throwing up, high fever, and not happy. Mirian woke up this morning with a fever and not happy. So all I've done all day is sit on the couch and hold one or the other all day long. All they want is mom and all they want to do is have me hold them.
           Needless to say we've read every Berenstein Bear Book in the house, 3 more chapters of Pippi Longstocking, and told as many stories as I could come up with from my childhood. Watched a couple of episodes of mickey mouse and the talking letter factory, while they continued to tell me all day what the first letter of every word was that they could think of. "Mom, frog starts with f!" "Mom, you start with m and s! (Shalae))" "Mom, cat starts with the letter c and then an a and a t!" I'm proud at how well Savannah is doing knowing her letters and being able to understand what sounds they make and what words they are found in. She's pretty proud of herself as well.
           The house needs major help, but no one has let me do anything to it. It's one of those times where I understand their need to just want to be with mom, and I enjoy the fact that Isaac wants to cuddle with me rather than run around. It's times like this that I want to be there for them, but boy am I exhausted. Surprising how they can wear you down much quicker by having you sit on the couch all day needing you rather than doing all your daily chores and taking care of them when they are full of energy.
           I can't decide yet whether I'm looking forward to tomorrow, as it now looks like any possibility of me and Beau going out on a date is not happening, and they still aren't feeling any better, so it could be another round of sitting on the couch all day. I'm not sure I have the stamina to do it!:)

In need of another one

           This daily something happened forever ago, but my husband and I were talking about how much we need another one. It's been a long semester and we aren't even half way over with it yet!

Our Family Tree

           I'm sitting here trying to unwind from the day, my mind is too shot to do anything productive, so I thought I would work on a mini layouts (small and requires no thinking!). I ran across this old layout I did when I was trying to do a tutorial or something. I don't know that I'm going to do anything more with it. It's sort of fun, but now that I look at it, it's still incomplete. Thought I might as well post it here, so it wasn't a complete waste of time! LOL

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


           I've gotten a little behind on some daily somethings. (Understatement!) But Ursula's blog entry made me want to start it up again, so even though this one isn't specifically today, I still wanted to record the moment.

We Thank Thee O God For A Prophet.

           I know that many people of many faiths read this blog, but I would not be true to myself or my faith if I did not write down some of the thoughts that I have had since I heard about the passing of our prophet and president Gordon B. Hinkley. At age 97 he has served in the church for the last 46 years, 13 of those years as prophet, seer and revelator.
           I still remember the day he was called. I was sitting in my HS Trig class, and our teacher came in and announced that the former prophet had died and we in turn knew that President Hinkely would become the next prophet. I will also remember exactly what I was doing when I found out he had died. I was checking the ScrapGirls messageboard and saw a thread saying that he had died. I knew he was old, and yet in my mind it seemed that he would just live forever. There are so many things that go through your heart at a time when one prophet passes and another takes their place.
           For one I realize how grateful I am for this wonderful man. For the example he set for me as well as the church. The thing I felt the most from him was love, the Savior's love. He was always optimistic despite hardships and wickedness increasing in the world. He was a man of faith, and one of service. I will always connect service with him as he dedicated 2/3 of his life serving God and the church.
           My favorite saying is one that his father told him on his mission when he serving in England. He had been having a hard time and was thinking that the mission was not for him and wanted to return home. His father sent him a one line letter that said "Gordon, forget yourself and get to work." From that point forward he always had, he forgot about himself and got to work serving the Lord and us. That has stuck in my mind forever. You'll never be truly happy until you forget yourself and you go to work serving the Lord.

           Another thing that always stuck out to me was his love for his wife and respect for women. I have had the opportunity to see in many congregations where they spoke and to feel the love they had for each other. I loved sister Hinkley, she had a spitfire personality, and great sense of humor. She was known for her love, concern and acceptance for all people. When she died he was devastated, but once again took the advice to get to work to overcome grief. I'm sure it was a great reunion for those two souls to reunite again.
           Most of all what I have gained from this man is a testimony that he truly was the Prophet of God. Many people today wonder where God's prophets are today. They are throughout the Bible, and yet somehow people think God has abandoned us today and has no longer called prophets and apostles. I'm here to tell you that is not true. He has. They are here leading, teaching, and forewarning just as the ancient prophets of old have done. They are over the Lord's church, the same as the Lord Jesus Christ set up when he was here upon the earth. The Lord speaks to them. The Lord guides them. They are incredible men, whom are filled with the spirit.
           I once was asked by someone who did not believe as I do, if I was ever worried that the prophet would lead us astray, or that he was a man and full of weaknesses. She was right. Everyone one of these men are just men, but there is a difference about them, and you can see it in their eyes and feel it in their presence. They have been called by God. Just as Moses was a man, and Abraham, Jeremiah, and all the old testaments. They are all just men, but because of their desire to serve and do what is right they have been called by the Lord. And whom the Lord calls he also qualifies.
           I know that Gordon B. Hinkley was a prophet. I know the Lord had called him and qualified him to be a leader to the world in these last days before the second coming of our Savior. I know that even though he has passed on, that the work will go forward. In a few days we shall have a new prophet that has once again been called by God, set apart by the 12 apostles and bestowed the priesthood keys to once again lead the world. That knowledge is something I would never give up in the world. For it I am so grateful. I will always have soft spot for President Hinkley for the impression, faith and legacy has has left on my own heart.

Monday, January 28, 2008

A Reminder

           Lately there are a lot of people talking about their word for the year. A word that they've picked to be their 'motto' or their 'goal'... something for them to work at consistently or be aware of. Part of me liked the idea, and part of me didn't want to do it just because everyone else was doing it as well. I guess I'm just one that goes against the crowd. Then the more that I've been making goals, I coming back to this statement by Spencer W. Kimball.
           Do it.
           Do it right.
           Do it right now.
           I haven't been able to get it out of my head. So finally yesterday I broke down and decided to have a word as well, but still break from the crowd a bit and have it be two words. :) Do it. To remind me of this whole saying. It's something I really need to work on, and want to me more aware of. Too often I put things off. Or when I do them I'll do only the mediocre job, or only part of the job resulting in wasting time having to come back and do it again. I need to just do it right the first time. Then I need to get rid of procrastination and do it right now. I so need to get better at all of this. When I do I'm much more happier, less stressed, and have more time on my hands. Isn't it weird that sometimes we procrastinate thinking it will give us more time to do other things now if we put it off till later. But I find that most of the time, it eats at the the back of my mind, so I don't fully feel like I can dedicate time to other things, until this one thing is done first. Hence I waste time.
           So I've had fun seeing some fun ideas to do with the word at Ali's blog as well as her latest Ezine newsletter. Plus I'm also loving her weekend creative that she's starting.
           So that's my goal for the new year.
           Do it.
           Think of all I could get accomplish if I do.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Favorites from California

           Thought I'd share a few of my favorite pictures from our trip to California. Another weekend gone. They go way too fast I tell you. We had a pretty decent one. We had the chance to catch up with our friends on Saturday for dinner. Sunday Beau sent me off to a church fireside where I could relax and get some spiritual nourishment while he put the kids to bed. It was great. I learned some amazing stuff.
           Monday... well maybe we should just ignore this day. We survived. I was an emotional basket case, and my poor husband got the brunt of it. He never deserves it, and he is always doing an amazing job that is somehow clouded in my high run of emotions. Like both he and I knew, after some sleep, the next day was so much better and the world was definitely not coming to an end from my point of view. I've been exhausted though. Our kids are NOT sleeping well, which means I DON'T sleep well! They each take a turn every couple of hours coming in or hollering at us. All I want is some sleep. Real sleep so I can actually be productive rather than shuffling around half out of it.
           So that's our reality lately. No sleep, lots of things going on, and trying to balance our time so we at least have some time with each other and our family. One good thing though. Beau and I actually had a date night! Yeah! We went and enjoyed a movie together. With popcorn and the works, and dinner later that evening. You never realize how hectic life is and how busy you are until you have some time together. Then you realize how much you've missed each other. Thank goodness for good friends who are willing to swap babysitting every other week for dates!

Monday, January 14, 2008

A Happy Mom Moment

           We were rushing around this afternoon getting the kids ready to go play next door for a couple of hours and I was in the other room finishing something up. I told to girls to go grab their mac and cheese hurry and eat it so we could go. They ran off to do what I said.
           A few minutes later they came in to inform me that "they had the prayer without me." They were so proud of themselves. Savannah proudly informed me that she helped Mirian say it. One of those happy moments where all the battles of being reverent for a blessing on the food has payed off. All those times when the fact that they were starving was so much more important than folding their arms so we could bless the food. I was pretty proud of them myself. That they even remembered to do it and then did it on their own. My proud mommy moment for the day. We are slowly getting there.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Life is Short.

           It's been one of those nights for some serious contemplating. Last night I ran across the story of the loss of Jody Ferlaak's daughter in an accident. I could not stop the tears, their situation with their kids ran too close to the age of my three kids, and I felt so much for them. I can not imagine how hard that must have been, and the thought of it ever happening to me scares me to death. I could not imagine living without any of my kids. They are too much a part of me and part of my life, and I can not imagine how devastated I would be. It made me really understand how blessed I have been to have not had to experience a tragedy in my life. I truly have been blessed, and know that in some way, some day we will have to experience something as personally heart wrenching for us. It is only through things like this that you develop a relationship with God if you choose too and are made strong through your trials. But I do not want to go through it and hope I never do.
           But life is short. You never know. Life can change instantly. It made me wonder if my family knows I love them. If my faith is strong enough to survive something like that. If I have an individual wonderful relationship with my kids and husband. Am I willing to accept whatever the Lord hands me.
           Then tonight we received a phone call from my mom. Three men in my home ward (church congregation) that I grew up with were all killed in an avalanche tonight. They are still trying to find their bodies. This hit pretty close to home. I think about their families, my friends, my family' friends, and how I can not imagine the grief they must going through right now. It was so unexpected. They had no idea. These wives did not know they would be widows before night fall. One of them has 4 kids below the age of 7. How hard to have such a young family and now be doing it alone. I think about the men and wonder if they were ready to go, were they prepared. It's just sunk in even more so tonight.
           Life is short. You never know when it will be over for you, or for a family member. You can't put of preparing yourself spiritually. Now is the time to prepare to meet God. Is my faith strong enough to handle a tragedy in my life right now? Am I ready? We can't assume it won't be us because you never know. This is all just temporary.
           My heart and prayers go out for their families right now, as they really have to be hurting. Somehow through it all they will find a way to make it through much like the Ferlaak Family has. Because you have to, but mostly because the Lord can help you do it. He is there if we let him be.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Loving These

           I keep giving myself the excuse that I don't have time to post on the blog right now because I need to get something else done. Well I'm not listening to that little voice. I'm posting something. I need to post something so I can get back in the regular habit of doing it. Plus I've had so many things in my mind for posts that I have a list now. I need to get started.
           First off can I tell you Erica how much I LOVE THESE! I can't get enough of them. I've been having so much fun playing with her new planner templates as I slowly try to get control of my life and get things planned. It makes me smile everytime I open up my planner now and try and figure things out for the week. They are amazing and so much fun. You have to try them out. I used her ScrapSimple Digital Layout templates: Plan On It and her Nessa Collection which is just too much fun for these planner templates.

           I also got the Oriental Trading company's catalog for Scrapbooking Supplies. Yes did you know they now sell scrapbooking supplies? What next? But they have some pretty cool stuff in there, and although I am NOT a paper scrapper, there are some things that I do enjoy making. One of those being books, albums and crafts.
           I have avoided it forever actually because I hate MODPODGE (I don't even know how to spell it I hate it so bad.) I always get paint brush strokes in it, a glossy look on my beautiful paper and bubbles where I didn't lay it down smoothly. Well I finally gave in when my mom needed about 50 notebooks covered and decorated and went and bought me a Xyron machine for adhesive/stickers with my 40% coupon off. Can I tell you how amazing it is, and how in love I am with it. We did her 50 books in a couple of hours (with a family assembly line, but it would have taken us days with ModPodge. ) I can now whip it out when I want to cover things for home decorating, or for albums, all kinds of wonderful stuff. I now enjoy crafting and making things! It's fast, easy and not messy! Yeah!
           So when I opened oriental trading up today and saw these fun Chipboard Albums just waiting to be covered, I got all excited about the possibilities. This one is my favorite right now. I'm just dying to do something with it.

           A recipe card album. You could make some pretty cool things with this and Brandie's Recipe card templates.
           The reason I' m so excited is that I've been using her templates for the last couple for months to make cute scripture memorization cards. I've had a goal to memorize some scriptures, the Proclamation to the Family, and my patriarchal blessing. So I've been making these cards to put them on. I have then been taping them on the wall above the sink to memorize while I've been washing dishes. It has been going well, but I've wanted a more permanent place for them, so that I could have a collection of them. That way I could see my progress and flip through them while washing dishes and review the ones memorized. I finally found it today! I can't wait to get one ordered and made.

Monday, January 7, 2008

It's been forever

           Wow! It has been forever since I've logged in here and posted something. That's what happens over the crazy holidays. We had a great Christmas and New Year and hope all of you did as well. 2 days after Christmas we made a road trip to California with Beau's family for a week vacation.
           It was a great time and we came home exhausted. After a couple of days of relaxing and trying to catch up we are finally getting back to normal. School started up with Beau and I'm trying to start the new year out right by not getting caught up in a crazy stressful life. I've been getting things done, and taking time to enjoy life as well. It's been good. I have so much going through my mind though that I've been dying to share and hope to post here soon. A new year, new beginnings, new thoughts, new directions... life is good.