Tuesday, January 29, 2008

We Thank Thee O God For A Prophet.

           I know that many people of many faiths read this blog, but I would not be true to myself or my faith if I did not write down some of the thoughts that I have had since I heard about the passing of our prophet and president Gordon B. Hinkley. At age 97 he has served in the church for the last 46 years, 13 of those years as prophet, seer and revelator.
           I still remember the day he was called. I was sitting in my HS Trig class, and our teacher came in and announced that the former prophet had died and we in turn knew that President Hinkely would become the next prophet. I will also remember exactly what I was doing when I found out he had died. I was checking the ScrapGirls messageboard and saw a thread saying that he had died. I knew he was old, and yet in my mind it seemed that he would just live forever. There are so many things that go through your heart at a time when one prophet passes and another takes their place.
           For one I realize how grateful I am for this wonderful man. For the example he set for me as well as the church. The thing I felt the most from him was love, the Savior's love. He was always optimistic despite hardships and wickedness increasing in the world. He was a man of faith, and one of service. I will always connect service with him as he dedicated 2/3 of his life serving God and the church.
           My favorite saying is one that his father told him on his mission when he serving in England. He had been having a hard time and was thinking that the mission was not for him and wanted to return home. His father sent him a one line letter that said "Gordon, forget yourself and get to work." From that point forward he always had, he forgot about himself and got to work serving the Lord and us. That has stuck in my mind forever. You'll never be truly happy until you forget yourself and you go to work serving the Lord.

           Another thing that always stuck out to me was his love for his wife and respect for women. I have had the opportunity to see in many congregations where they spoke and to feel the love they had for each other. I loved sister Hinkley, she had a spitfire personality, and great sense of humor. She was known for her love, concern and acceptance for all people. When she died he was devastated, but once again took the advice to get to work to overcome grief. I'm sure it was a great reunion for those two souls to reunite again.
           Most of all what I have gained from this man is a testimony that he truly was the Prophet of God. Many people today wonder where God's prophets are today. They are throughout the Bible, and yet somehow people think God has abandoned us today and has no longer called prophets and apostles. I'm here to tell you that is not true. He has. They are here leading, teaching, and forewarning just as the ancient prophets of old have done. They are over the Lord's church, the same as the Lord Jesus Christ set up when he was here upon the earth. The Lord speaks to them. The Lord guides them. They are incredible men, whom are filled with the spirit.
           I once was asked by someone who did not believe as I do, if I was ever worried that the prophet would lead us astray, or that he was a man and full of weaknesses. She was right. Everyone one of these men are just men, but there is a difference about them, and you can see it in their eyes and feel it in their presence. They have been called by God. Just as Moses was a man, and Abraham, Jeremiah, and all the old testaments. They are all just men, but because of their desire to serve and do what is right they have been called by the Lord. And whom the Lord calls he also qualifies.
           I know that Gordon B. Hinkley was a prophet. I know the Lord had called him and qualified him to be a leader to the world in these last days before the second coming of our Savior. I know that even though he has passed on, that the work will go forward. In a few days we shall have a new prophet that has once again been called by God, set apart by the 12 apostles and bestowed the priesthood keys to once again lead the world. That knowledge is something I would never give up in the world. For it I am so grateful. I will always have soft spot for President Hinkley for the impression, faith and legacy has has left on my own heart.

1 comment:

  1. Shalae-
    I love reading your comments. I feel the same way that you do during this bitter/sweet experience. I hope you guys are doing well! Take care.


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