Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas

           Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and chance to reflect on it's real meaning!
The Greatest Gift
           For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
           I have stood in awe at various times in my life as I held a newborn infant in my arms. Awe that my Father in Heaven love me enough that he gave up his only begotten son.
           How grateful I am for this gift in my life. For my Father in Heaven who gave up his son and my Savior who gave up his life so that I might live. The chance to live fully in this life through the effects of his atonement and the opportunity to live fully in the life to come.
           I am grateful for the Savior's perfect love and compassion which I have felt numerous times. At times when I haven't felt good enough, I have heard the quiet voice reminding me I am. I am good enough that he gave his life for me. I have felt his love with the many blessings I enjoy on a daily basis. They are little reminders that God loves and watches over me. I have felt the peace that comes from his forgiveness of my sins. He has given me hope and peace when times are hard.
           I feel his quiet push to be better. To try harder, to love more deeply, to serve more often, to worship more sincerely, to be more humble and to partake of the atonement more fully.
           Most importantly, I feel his gentle push to know more deeply his love for me personally... The imperfect me. Me...Shalae.


  1. Oh Shalae, that is so beautiful and so TRUE! Thank you for sharing this precious layout and piece of your heart.

  2. Beautiful Shalae! This is truly art! Thank you so much for sharing your gift with all of us. Blessings this season of miracles!


  3. Love this Shalae! Everything about it is just beautiful, but I especially love your journaling. We are so blessed!

  4. This is so wonderful, the LO and the journaling. TFs this with us Shalae! Blessings my friend!

  5. I just love this, Shalae! Beautiful and inspiring.

  6. Absolutely stunning, Shalae! Thanks for sharing!


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