Friday, January 30, 2009

It's that time of year

           Spring and Valentines Day. Here are a couple of new products I threw together to get the season out of my system so I can work on something else. :)
           Lately I've been wanting to work on something with a holiday themed as well as wanting to draw, so I decided that some quick doodles would work for both.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

God the Father

           This is the first in the series on my faith. To find the introduction to this series check out January 13, 2009 post.

           As I've been thinking about how to go about writing these and the approach I wanted to take, I decided I wanted to:
  • Share some great quotes from the prophet and apostles that explain this doctrine well, because I think it's important to hear their words.
  • Share scriptures which illustrate this doctrine.
  • Share my own personal experiences with this doctrine and how I know it to be true.
  • Ask you some questions, as I'd love to hear from you about your personal beliefs and experiences as well. I know all of you are from so many different backgrounds. In our faith we have something called the 13 articles of faith. They are basically 13 simple statements about our doctrine and what we believe. The first one states. “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.” One thing that makes us different from most religions in our belief that God the father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are three separate, distinct individuals. They are not combined in one substance.
           I personally believe this. I personally believe in God, that he is my eternal father. That I lived with him before I came to this earth. I know that he loves me and is aware of my needs. Elder Holland states:
           "We believe these three divine persons constituting a single Godhead are united in purpose, in manner, in testimony, in mission. We believe Them to be filled with the same godly sense of mercy and love, justice and grace, patience, forgiveness, and redemption. I think it is accurate to say we believe They are one in every significant and eternal aspect imaginable except believing Them to be three persons combined in one substance, a Trinitarian notion never set forth in the scriptures because it is not true.
" (Holland)
           I know this to be true based a couple of things.

1) Scriptural doctrine that they are separate beings.
           "We declare it is self-evident from the scriptures that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are separate persons, three divine beings, noting such unequivocal illustrations as the Savior’s great Intercessory Prayer just mentioned, His baptism at the hands of John, the experience on the Mount of Transfiguration, and the martyrdom of Stephen—to name just four.
           "With these New Testament sources and more ringing in our ears, it may be redundant to ask what Jesus meant when He said, “The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do.” On another occasion He said, “I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.” Of His antagonists He said, “[They have] . . . seen and hated both me and my Father.” And there is, of course, that always deferential subordination to His Father that had Jesus say, “Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.” “My father is greater than I.”
           To whom was Jesus pleading so fervently all those years, including in such anguished cries as “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me” and “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me”? To acknowledge the scriptural evidence that otherwise perfectly united members of the Godhead are nevertheless separate and distinct beings is not to be guilty of polytheism; it is, rather, part of the great revelation Jesus came to deliver concerning the nature of divine beings."(Holland)
2) I know because a boy named Joseph Smith prayed to know and had the first vision, in which he saw God the Father and the Son.
           "When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and Glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!"
           I know personally that Joseph Smith's account and experience is true. I know because I have stepped in that sacred grove where it happened, I have prayed for myself to know if it is true. The spirit has born witness to me over and over, throughout my life, in different circumstances that this IS true. (I will discuss this topic in more depth in another post)
           They are separate individuals. With bodies like us only immortal and glorified. Elder Holland explains this belief well.
           "A related reason The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is excluded from the Christian category by some is because we believe, as did the ancient prophets and apostles, in an embodied—but certainly glorified—God. To those who criticize this scripturally based belief, I ask at least rhetorically: If the idea of an embodied God is repugnant, why are the central doctrines and singularly most distinguishing characteristics of all Christianity the Incarnation, the Atonement, and the physical Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ? If having a body is not only not needed but not desirable by Deity, why did the Redeemer of mankind redeem His body, redeeming it from the grasp of death and the grave, guaranteeing it would never again be separated from His spirit in time or eternity? Any who dismiss the concept of an embodied God dismiss both the mortal and the resurrected Christ. No one claiming to be a true Christian will want to do that." (Holland)
3) I know from personal experience that God is my Father. The literal father of my spirit as well as yours.
           He knows me personally. He knows me by name, he knows my traits, my personality, my weaknesses, my gifts, he knows me better than anyone. I am his literal daughter. I know that to be true. I have had many experiences in my life, where I have had the spirit testify to my heart and mind that I am his daughter and he is very much aware of my needs. I have felt his love at times when I questioned my worth, when I felt unloved, or not needed. I know he has my best interest in heart.
           About 7 years ago I had the opportunity to go to the San Diego temple for the first time. It is beautiful, one of the most incredible places you could have the opportunity of walking. I was walking through it admiring the beauty of the place and kept thinking, "I feel like a princess," when suddenly I was overwhelmed with this incredible amount of love and the spirit. I heard in my head and felt in my heart these words, "You are. You are a princess. Your father is the King of Kings and reigns high in the heavens. You are his daughter, you are of infinite worth, you are created in his image, you were created for more than you can ever imagine. You are a princess." It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.
           If any of you do not believe that there is a God, or that he does not know you personally, I want to bear my testimony that there is. There is a God. He is your father. He loves you. He knows you. You were created in his image. He has a purpose and a plan for you. Believe.
           There have been many times when I have knelt by my bed, feeling so completely alone, wondering if anyone cared or if anyone knew me. I cried wondering if God was there, did he know me. It was times like that that I felt the greatest love from him. Times the spirit bore strong testimony to me that he was there, that he did care, that he knew exactly what I was going through. He was my father, and just as my earthly father cares for me, loves me, worries about me and knows me. He does even more so because he is perfect, he is eternal.
           I see evidence of his love daily in my life. I feel it all the time. Little things happen here and there that let me know he loves me, he knows my needs, he cares about me. I have come to understand this even more so once I had my own children. When you become a parent, I think you can easily begin to understand more how God can truly love us despite all our faults, despite how horrible we can be sometimes. I love and worry about my children more than anything. I cry when they're hurt, I find joy in their accomplishments. The are my life. I know my Father in Heaven feels the same way about me. He is well aware of each of personally.
           I know that there is a God. I know that God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost create the Godhead. I know that they are individual separate beings united in purpose. I know Heavenly Father and his Son have a body like ours, only it is immortal and glorified. Ours will be too one day when we are resurrected all because of the mercy, atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I know that God is personally aware of me, and of you. He loves us. He is real. Here is there.
           Do you know if there is a God?
           Do you believe he is your father?
           What is your understanding and belief of the Godhead?
           When in your life have you felt Heavenly Father's love for you, his concern for you individually.
           I'd love to hear your responses as well as any questions you might have. :) This was harder to write and explain than I thought so if you have any questions, or need clarification please ask. :)
           You can find Jeffery R. Holland's full article in the October 2007 LDS General Conference.

Stop Me Now!

           I ran across this site called Spoonflower... and boy I should have never went there. It has my brain going and has me itching like crazy to try designing my own fabrics. Lately I've been getting back into sewing. My mom loves to sew all kinds of things and I think it would fun to work with her and come up with some cool fabrics she could use in her sewing projects and quilt making. The possibilities.
           So I wanted to check out really quickly how it worked, so I uploaded a fast .png I had on my computer of a cowboy from Mandy's Wild West Collection, and ended up with this.

           Which could be so cute! I have some little nephews that are all cowboys! This would be so fun to make something like this up, with some of her other cute little drawings like horseshoes, stick horses etc, and possibly change the background colors to something besides white. (Note: If using images from digital scrapbook collections you have purchased, you could only print the material out for your own personal use. You could not sell it in any way - in a project you made or the fabric itself. You also could not make it public in Spoonflowers design viewer and claim it as your own.) But the possibilities out there. Create your own drawings. Have your kids draw their own patterns.

           Here's another quick sample using a paper of Erica's from her Bouncing Baby Boy Collection. If you used a 12 x 12 paper, and uploaded it it will be big enough for a fat quarter when it's made 150 dpi.
           This excites me because I was trying to find fabric I loved for curtains that would match my green walls we just painted. 5 stores later - I could find nothing... so I had to result to solid cherry red, which I am excited about. (Bizarre color combo I know... but it's looking really good.) But now I could have designed my own!
           I have to admit that I am super cheap. So their price per yard holds me back. Which is probably a good thing so I don't go crazy with it. But I was thinking that I might be able to create a design that is the size of a yard of fabric which is divided into 4 coordinating fat quarter designs, that could be printed on one yard for $18, rather than $44 dollars for 4 seperate fat quarters. I'm not sure yet if that would work since it has to be under a size limit. But I'm going to try.
           The only other way I can justify that much is if I have my one yard of designed fabric, and color match it with just solid cotton fabric that I can get for $2-3 dollars a yard with a 40% on top of that - meaning $1 - $1.50 a yard. Then for 3 yards of fabric I could create a matching project for roughly an average of $5.50 a yard... plus I'd have the exact colors I want, the design I want... hmmm the girls bedroom which is soon to be redone is calling my name I think! :)
           Here's Kal's designs she had posted on her site which are think are so much fun!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Let it Rain

photo by: Capture Queen

           The other day I was reading in the Ensign Magazine and a small excerpt from a reader really made a huge impact on me. She said...
           "Our stake president encouraged us to start a “Let It Rain” journal. He said that personal revelation is like rain. It comes drop by drop, and if we would create a reservoir for it, so to speak, in our journal, we’d be surprised at how much the Holy Ghost prompts us every day. He advised us to write in our journal any questions we might have and pray about them. When I tried this, I was astounded at how much personal revelation I had been overlooking." - Kersten Campbell . You can read her whole experience on page 69 in the January 2009 Ensign.
           The truth of this just hit me at the time. I have a regular journal that I record the happenings in my day, things I've been thinking about. I have a scripture journal were I record things I learned... but to me this was a different approach. This was a place where I would record questions about things I was thinking or worried about personally or with my family. Thoughts that randomly come, ideas about my problems. Spiritual promptings or answers. It was as she described... my own personal reservoir of personal revelation for me. I found a notebook, and started...
           I started writing down questions or insights that I had about my family, my kids.
           I started writing down scriptures that struck a cord.
           I started writing down thoughts of people that I should visit, contact, or help.
           I started writing down random thoughts that seemed to come out of no where during the day.
           I started seeing answers.
           I started seeing promptings of things I should do in my life.
           I started to see that the solutions that I've been trying to come up with on my own over time and apply (which weren't working) be narrowed down to specific ideas, actions and things to do... I didn't seem to be wasting as much time because these ideas DID work.
I started seeing my weaknesses and realizing the need for the Savior and his role in helping me overcome them.

           I have started to see what I have been missing this whole time. Imagine a whole life of doing this. Imagine how much more I could be as a person... more efficient, more effective as a mother, as a disciple, as a wife, as a designer and more in tune with the spirit.
           I also had this scripture jump out at me which was shared in a scholarship and faith symposium that my husband and I attend last week.
           "Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings and he shall direct thee for good." - Alma 37:37
           "IN ALL THY DOINGS" hit a strong cord... I've started to see this more as I've written down questions regarding all the doings of my life.
           How can I design so that I am not spending lots of time and have it be more productive?
           How should I plant my garden, or what is the most efficient way to use our tiny space to get the most harvest and storage for our family?
           How can we live more simply, not be so wasteful and be more frugal?
           How can I help Mirian be more happy?
           What are my weaknesses?
           What should I eliminate from my life that is taking up too much time and is not important?
           What commitments should I say yes to and which should I turn down?
           Every thing... all my doings....all my thoughts. I am seeing now that the more I ask these more specific things in prayer rather than a vain repetition, and start writing down thoughts, answers, scriptures, ideas that come into my head, and start creating a reservoir to gather it that the Lord is directing me, directing me for good. What an incredible blessing.

Some New Products

           Thought I'd share of my new products out for the ScrapSimple Club.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Real Laughs

           I really enjoyed reading a post at Simple Mom this morning. It referenced the comic Baby Blues. These are my husband and I's favorite comic to read. Why - because we can so relate! We understand and have had similiar experiences which is why they are sooo funny. She has some great ones posted as well as an interview with the artists. If you need a few laught and your a parent. Go find some Baby Blues comics.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Book List

           One of my new goals for the year is to read more - specifically to read at least 2 new books a month. I don't know why it is that I read 3-4 books at a time, picking them up here and there to finish, but I have been learning so much lately from these books and they've made me think.
           What has been on my bookshelf lately?

  • Living Simply with Children
  • Money or Your Life
  • Abundant Life

Friday, January 23, 2009


           I was doing so well about keeping up on here - then we went out of town for 4 1/2 days to visit family. That will always do it to me. It seems like it takes a whole week to get back into the grove of things, get everything unpacked, get all the laundry caught up and feel like life is back to normal.

           For a couple of days we spent time with Beau's family and got some snowmobiling time in. I have to admit that I love getting behind my husband and going for a ride. Especially fast across an empty field. I have to admit that they scare me to death to try driving it myself though. Too big, too awkward, worried about tipping it over and felt like I couldn't control it and get it to do what I wanted. This time I decided to try it - I could go slow right? Well once my husband showed me how to throw my weight and turn... I was hooked. I couldn't stop. It was too much fun flying across the field as fast as you could go, and have the freezing cold snow fly in your face. I had such a good time, my father in law kept joking about it all day, how they couldn't get it me off it. I'm officially addicted.
           We also had a great time visiting with some of my siblings, and the girls had a chance to play with their cousins Houston and Porter. They are the best of friends and had a great time.

           I love running across old photo's and I have to say this one makes me smile HUGE every time I see it. They are just too cute and I bet you can't guess who dressed them! :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Random Thoughts

Lately I seem to have sooo many thoughts on my mind. All kinds of thoughts from the latest project or idea, to deep soul searching thoughts. So today I thought I'd throw out some random ones out there.I Love This Man.
I ran across these two pictures yesterday morning and I just realized how much I love this guy. (Both of them, but especially the bigger one.) My life has been so much better by just marrying him. He continually amazes me. He is such an incredible dad. He is such a great support. He makes life so good. He is such a happy person. He can make me laugh, he can make any "tough" time seem not so bad.
Don't You Smile.
I love this face... the gruff stern face. He has this thing he does when the kids are in a bad mood. Especially Mirlin. She can pull a sour face like none other. He'll pull this face, he'll get up close to them and say "Don't smile. Whatever you do don't smile. Don't do it. You keep on scowling... Don't do it! Oh no I see a smile. Don't ! Don't smile." All the while using his scowling face, and before you know it, he's turned that frown upside and got them laughing and smiling. He's never dared tried it on me, and that might have his best interest in heart. :)

I ran across this photo of a Sunday afternoon nap. Really is anything better than this.

Our Little Service Group.

           Do you remember me telling about this group? It has been such a good thing the other day I was thinking about it, and what we've been able to accomplish so far with it.
  • Painted 1 bedroom
  • Painted my living room
  • Painted a dining room
  • Cleaned and Scrubbed a mud room
  • Sanded, Prepped and painted kitchen cupboards.
  • Painted part of the exterior of a house.
  • Went through and organized tons of kids clothes ranging from newborn - 6 years old.
  • Moved, organized and went through storage
  • Repaired and fixed up a old amazing doll house for Christmas.
  • Painted craft boxes for organizing a craft room

           All of that in an 1 1/2 - 2 hours, one day a week. Next week we'll be finishing up the trim in my living room. We've also arranged amongst all of us to swap babysitting so that everyone can attend the temple once a month and go on a date with their spouse at least once a month.
           Now would we have gotten all this done without this group. Maybe... but I really doubt it. I know I would still be sitting with an unpainted kitchen and living room. It has been soooo good to do this. Get a group together and find out for yourself.Eat a Frog First

           I just read a post this morning. It made so much sense to me, and the procrastinator side of me. I all too often put off the things that need to be done that I just despise and hate doing! Sometimes it results in wasting time because I feel like I can't work on other things till I get that thing done first.... so we're going to try eating our frogs first!Homemade Angry Noodles
           I joined Mandy's group, and had our first Chat monday and have been thinking about it and conversing with the other women on facegroup. I can not believe what a difference this has made and it's only been one topic! It had me really doing some soul searching yesterday.. (I'll give you a detailed post later.) But this is turning into an amazing group. Your still welcome to join us if you'd like. You can find the info here. Thanks Mandy for going out on a limb, risking all and starting this up.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Faith

           Over a year ago I had a conversation with one of my fellow ScrapGirl's designers - Ursula. Ok it was more than just a conversation, it was more like a 3 hour discussion late into the night about my faith and beliefs. She had a lot of questions about our Church - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints or more commonly known as the Mormon church. She has been taught various beliefs about us, she had heard various things and she had done her own study about our faith. She didn't necessarily believe it, but had a lot of questions she wanted to ask about it. Things that she had been taught but didn't understand, things she wanted clarified and was glad that someone of the LDS faith was willing to sit down and talk with her.
           We also had Keri in our room who was listening to all these questions, and who had never even heard of the Church or of our faith, and was new to everything being said. I have thought back on that conversation for a long time. For one - thinking of poor Keri who was getting hit with all these hard doctrinal questions about a faith she had never heard about and the opposite spectrum of Ursula who knew a lot and had so many questions. How I wish I could have been able to talk to both on the different levels of their knowledge of our faith, but at the time I couldn't and yet I gained so much from that conversation with Ursula.
           I love the gospel. I love to study the scriptures. I love to teach from them. I love to answer questions about our faith and I love to share my faith. Often times people are hesitant to ask questions, and yet I WISH they would. Either they think they already know, or they don't know what to ask, or they don't want to bother us by asking. Yet I grow the most from sharing or learning from each other.
           One of my favorite things to do is to learn about other's faith, to study various religions and what they believe, and to learn from others what they believe as well. Truth can be found everywhere. I learned a lot from Ursula that night. I treasure our conversation because I learned so much. In fact at the end of the conversation she asked me the question, "Has anything I said made you think, or possibly change your mind or question whether or not what you believe is true?" At the time I told her that it had made me think, checking myself as to how I know these things are true, and how I came to know that. I did tell her though that it hadn't necessarily changed whether or not I believed it was true. I have had too many powerful experiences where the spirit has told me it is true and nothing could ever change that.
           I think she left thinking that she didn't make me think. That she wasn't able to change my mind. But I can tell her that a year and half later I am still thinking about that conversation. I have kept asking myself how I know. Why do the doctrines of other faiths not convert me? I agree with a lot of things, because as I said there are lots of truth out there. A lot of doctrines are similar, they're the basis of Christianity. I am Christian and believe in Jesus Christ, as other Christians do. Why is it that I believe in my faith so strongly. One thing I've come to realize is that I have a lot of questions. I want answers to those questions, and I have found those answers in my faith. Other faiths can't answer them for me. Also as I told her earlier, I have had spiritual experiences, and answers concerning my faith that I can not deny.
           But despite how much I believe it, there are people out there that either do not know about our faith, do not understand our faith, or are adamantly attacking our faith. Often times people hear things or are told things about our faith that are not completely true. They often times do not understand or have a background of our faith and so to them it is strange and scary. I have wanted so badly for people to just know about us. Know the truth about our faith, from someone who actually knows, practices and lives the faith. I don't necessarily want to convert people, but to at least educate them. They can choose for themselves what they do with the knowledge. I love learning about the faith of my Jewish friend. I enjoy reading my cousins views on atheism. I love talking amongst my Christian friends and hearing their various experiences, insight and faith. Why? Because in the process I grow. I grow immensely. I learn about myself. I evaluate my own faith, I find out where I have a testimony and where I don't and learn how to strengthen it.
           For the last while I have felt a push to be more vocal about my faith. For one - I talk about it a lot and may use terms, scriptures, or doctrines that others may not understand from a quick post on a blog. I want to give them a background so that they can understand me. They can understand my background, what I believe, and how that translates into my blog posts.
           I want to be able to maybe correct wrong information about our faith, or clarify things like Ursula needed. I want to be able to introduce it from the beginning for someone like Keri who had never even heard of it, so that it's not strange and foreign. I want to hopefully answer some questions that people have deep in their souls. Questions that my faith has answered for me. There are also lots of people lost because they know not where to find the truth. They don't even have a knowledge of the Savior. Maybe I can reach one of them.
           So I have decided to just risk it. Risk criticism, risk attack, risk putting everything that I hold dear and my own personal experiences out there in the open. In the big wide open, to be seen by anyone that happens upon this blog. That is scary. But I can't sit here anymore with it nagging me in the back of my mind. I need to share my faith, because I need to be stretched. I need to grow.
           I have decided to share briefly every week a post that explains and shares one doctrine and aspect of our faith. They will always have the header "my faith" on them. So you can read it or skip over it if you'd rather not read it. You can find them also at But I wanted to share it from my own personal experiences that have let me know they are true. To share my own personal insights. I also want you to feel free to have a conversation with me through comments or email. I would love that. I seriously am not afraid to have people ask me questions. Please do.
           So despite how scary it is to open yourself up, it hopefully will not only help me grow more in my faith, but I hope it will help you grow in your personal journey as well.

Monday, January 12, 2009


           I always have good intentions for the holidays. I have ideas of gifts I want to make... the only problem is I always get them the week before Christmas. Never earlier! So this year instead of trying to accomplish all of them, I decided to make a list in my notebook, with the ideas. I'll start on them now for next year and then hopefully I'll be done with some homemade Christmas presents early. Despite all the ideas I had... I did manage to get a few handmade things done for Christmas for my kids which was so much fun.

           For their love of princesses and dressing up I decided to attempt sewing my first dress. I had plans for getting two done for each girl... but didn't start early enough. But I was so happy with my result! Not bad for my first attempt! They are also constantly building their own houses with blankets and chairs all over my front room. Then they get upset when they have to take it down for dinner and Savannah declared "I just need my own house!"
           Well I ran across an idea in an old sewing book of making a portable play house by sewing a house that slipped over a card table. I got some old sheets that were in perfect condition at a 2nd hand store, cut them up, make windows, a door, and decorated it with a mail box and flowers. I ended up making two. One for our kitchen table and one for a card table we had. They don't take up much space when they are up and they easily pull off, fold up and can be stored under the kid's bed without being bulky. In the summer they can be taken outside and set up in the back yard. They had a great time with them! Beau was a great help in throwing them together too. We always seem to have a last minute Christmas project being finished at the wee early hours of Christmas day. Some of those great flower creations are all his!
           (I just love this picture of my little "super handyman" from Christmas morning.) There is something just rewarding about sewing lately. Creating something for my family to enjoy. Whether it was for Christmas, or new curtains for my kitchen, I've enjoyed learning how to sew again, and although I've got plenty of room for improvement, I've enjoyed seeing the fruits of my labors.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Stitching Time

           I have really been enjoying embroidery lately. In the evening I've been making time to sit and relax either enjoying some stitching or reading. It's been relaxing, it's been rewarding and it is oh so fun! 

           My girls have been seeing me sewing, so of course they want to join me as well. Savannah actually doesn't do too bad for being only 5 as you can tell from her piece above. She was all proud of herself when she finished and I have to admit I was proud of her too.

           This one makes me smile. Mirian wanted to sew too so I helped her get started. At one point Savannah worked on hers until Mirian found out and got upset because it was "hers." She did pretty good when I helped her and showed her where to go next. Once I left the room and she was left to her own you can tell where her stitches went. It just makes me smile. She was so proud too and I think she did a great job.
Because of this new love I have ran across some great sites out there, incredibly talented people, some fun patterns and great inspiration. 

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Frozen Goodness

           Today was a good day. A really good day. Reading books, playing "Don't Eat Pete", dance class, wrestling, playing and enjoying being together. Our favorite part of the day was our Creative afternoon of "frozen goodness."
           I read about a fun idea of painting with ice cubes. You could either freeze liquid tempera paint and put a stick in it and then paint with it, or use the technique we tried out today.
           I used some cheap kids watercolor paper and had the kids
color their paper with water solvable markers. We then used ice cubes to paint and turn it into watercolors. The kids just ate it up, they couldn't stop! We tried using watercolor pencils first, but they didn't work as good as the water soluble markers.
           Isaac was so in to it. He actually ended up creating some pretty fun pictures too when he was done. He would color, paint his picture and then exclaim loudly, pointing to his picture "look!" showing it off so proudly. It was a great time. Lots off fun. A little messy but worth it!
           After that we decided to take advantage of the tons of snow we've been getting lately and make some the snow ice cream I read about.
           It was our first attempt. I didn't know for sure what kind of consistency it was supposed to have when it was all done, but it turned out pretty good. Yummy and just a fun activity for those snowy days!
           I've been trying to slow down more and have more fun with my kids, and although it hasn't been perfect lately... it's been so much better and we've been having such a great time when we relax and hang out together!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Value. My word.

           Value. My word for 2009. I decided to actually be serious about it this year and choose a word that I really wanted to concentrate on for the year. I have various friends who have done it and it's been amazing to see thir progress.
           I have had so many thoughts at the beginning of the year. Things I would like to do, think I need to do, goals I'd like to see come to fruitation by the end of the year. One thing that I've really been thinking about lately is simplifying my life. My family's life. The basics. So I had been considering simplify for my word for the year. But for some reason in my search for words I ran across this one and it jumped off the page. It's been sitting in my mind. Slowly telling me this is what I need to be working on for the year.

           Valuing my health and doing something about it.
           Valuing the relationships in my life. Enriching them, cultivating them, building them, and making them of real value.
           Valuing my time. I don't have much of it in a day or in my life. What am I really giving it up for? Things of eternal importance or things of this world. Is it being wasted or squandered.
           My Values - am I being true to what I actually believe. Am I living them, do I know what they really are, are they an integral part of me.
           Seeking Real Value. Am I seeking for things of this world or things of a better. "Where my heart is there will my treasure be also." What am I valuing, what am I treasuring, what is my heart my heart invested in.
           I'm excited about the word. I'm excited about the things I've been pondering in just the last couple of weeks that I am looking forward to sharing with you. I'm really looking forward to getting to the end of the year and looking back to see this year as invaluable.