Friday, January 23, 2009


           I was doing so well about keeping up on here - then we went out of town for 4 1/2 days to visit family. That will always do it to me. It seems like it takes a whole week to get back into the grove of things, get everything unpacked, get all the laundry caught up and feel like life is back to normal.

           For a couple of days we spent time with Beau's family and got some snowmobiling time in. I have to admit that I love getting behind my husband and going for a ride. Especially fast across an empty field. I have to admit that they scare me to death to try driving it myself though. Too big, too awkward, worried about tipping it over and felt like I couldn't control it and get it to do what I wanted. This time I decided to try it - I could go slow right? Well once my husband showed me how to throw my weight and turn... I was hooked. I couldn't stop. It was too much fun flying across the field as fast as you could go, and have the freezing cold snow fly in your face. I had such a good time, my father in law kept joking about it all day, how they couldn't get it me off it. I'm officially addicted.
           We also had a great time visiting with some of my siblings, and the girls had a chance to play with their cousins Houston and Porter. They are the best of friends and had a great time.

           I love running across old photo's and I have to say this one makes me smile HUGE every time I see it. They are just too cute and I bet you can't guess who dressed them! :)


  1. I still haven't tried snowmobiling...but I want to! I keep the tracks in the snow as drive into Steamboat and always think it would be fun. Love the dress up pic!

  2. I would love to snow mobile sometime! It looks like a blast!! I'm so glad that you got to spend some quality time with family, there is nothing like it! :D

  3. Finally- someone that understands what I'm saying about flying across an open field on a snowmobile! There's just something about it...

  4. Hey,
    I couldn't agree more about them growin up fast. I am also thrilled to hear you like the piano music. Buying piano music is like picking out a pair of jeans! It is definately hit or miss! I am also curious if Dauni gave you that formula. I hope so because it needs to be used!
    Take care, tell Beau and the kids hi!


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