Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Wow, I've really been on a leave of absence here. My OTHER sister called me up this time and asked if I've abandoned my blog. No....... I'm just really taking a break it seems, more than I thought I would. I guess I really needed a break. This last month blogging just got pushed aside for other things that took more of a top priority:
  • A speaking assignment for Stake Conference. ( For those of you not of my faith, that's a church meeting that we have twice a year that combines 7 of the local churches of our faith for one large meeting in which our local stake leaders speak to all of us.) It was intimidating and yet I had an amazing experience during the preparation and giving of the talk. My topic: Preparing ourselves for spiritual experiences.
  • Sick.... just sick and not feeling well for quite a while.
  • Designing.... my new goal for the year is to release at least one thing every week, so far I haven't missed a week, and hope to continue. We have a huge goal this year of putting as much as we possibly can into the bank before Beau graduates. We'd like to have as many months of expenses saved up as possible, as we never know how long it will take for him to get a job after graduation. So far we're doing good in trying to cut back, stay in a budget, and get some good chunks in saving.
  • Tired.... just tired, and exhausted. Today was the first day I actually made it out early to the office for a few things and that was at quarter to 6, not my usual 4:30/5:00. Someday I'm going to get back in the habit again. I'm also trying to make sure that I'm giving time to projects, people and things that matter the most and not wearing myself too thin. I feel like I've been doing good on this so far.
  • Deep cleaning, organizing and turning this house into a home... I'm tired of feeling like we're just 'kind of ' living here. I'm trying to finish up half finished projects, and I'm getting close to completely finishing some of the rooms in the house. It's been fun to see things start looking better. Right now I'm on the look out for some red sheets from the thrift store, to rip up, and crochet into a huge floor rug for the kitchen.

I'm definitely waiting around hoping sometime to say that winter is gone and start looking forward to these babies. There's something about an orange poppy that just tells you to smile.

I'd like to say I'll be back for regular posting, but I think that's what I said last time.. Maybe I shouldn't make any promises, and just say till next time! :)


  1. Glad to see you're still alive!! Hope all is going well and you get feeling better. Love ya!

  2. Wow! Looks like you've been busy. I'm glad you took a little break to blog, I always love reading your entries. It's good to hear that things are going well for you guys.
    I just have to say I think that Stake Conference talk topic was PERFECT for you. I always love reading the spiritual stuff you post on your blog, I wish I could have been there to hear you speak. I'm sure you did an amazing job.


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