Wednesday, May 16, 2012

On My Bookshelf

One of the things that I love about homeschooling is the fact that it is making me step up and increase my learning as well. It's made me study everything I can about teaching, learning styles, homeschooling methods and how to create a learning environment. It's made me realize that my kids will never love to learn unless I'm showing them that I personally love learning. Which I do. I really do.  So I've made the goal to read more. Read more to the kids as well as read more myself. So far I've been doing pretty good. I recently saved up and sold some stuff we didn't use any more to get a simple kindle for reading, and have fallen in love with having tons of books in one spot. I love using it for school, having audios to listen to as we drive in the car, and just how much I've read since having it.  So I thought I'd share the books I've been reading to the kids, finished reading or are currently in the middle of them. Some of them have become all time favorites, which I hope to share more about later. (Sorry these aren't linkable.  Hopefully they're big enough you could do a search on Amazon if you wanted to check it out.)