Wednesday, May 16, 2012

On My Bookshelf

One of the things that I love about homeschooling is the fact that it is making me step up and increase my learning as well. It's made me study everything I can about teaching, learning styles, homeschooling methods and how to create a learning environment. It's made me realize that my kids will never love to learn unless I'm showing them that I personally love learning. Which I do. I really do.  So I've made the goal to read more. Read more to the kids as well as read more myself. So far I've been doing pretty good. I recently saved up and sold some stuff we didn't use any more to get a simple kindle for reading, and have fallen in love with having tons of books in one spot. I love using it for school, having audios to listen to as we drive in the car, and just how much I've read since having it.  So I thought I'd share the books I've been reading to the kids, finished reading or are currently in the middle of them. Some of them have become all time favorites, which I hope to share more about later. (Sorry these aren't linkable.  Hopefully they're big enough you could do a search on Amazon if you wanted to check it out.)


  1. I was just thinking today that I needed to stock up on my hold list at the library, because my list was down to 0 books. There's a few titles here that I'd like to take a look at. Thanks for the suggestions!

  2. Thanks for sharing the list, and letting me know about Kindle for my i-pod. I was able get it downloaded. Now I will start looking for these books. It was good to talk to you the other day. We will have to look into getting the kids together when both Jeremy & Beau are out of town. I hope life is still going good. Love ya

  3. Love love love the Kindle! Isn't it great to know you can hold a thousand books in your hand? And my beginner readers aren't intimidated by big books because they can't see how thick it is! It's fun to see what you guys are up to!


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