Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Catch Up

           How do you play catch up when you haven't written for weeks! The last couple have been crazy. Thursday I got to enjoy my mother's day present. A day to myself to relax with friends, go out to lunch, and a hour foot massage. Beau really knows how to pamper me. He picked just the right thing. He hung out with the kids all day and was a real trooper.
           We also closed on the house the same day and have been in the process of packing things up and getting ready to move.
           Saturday was spent all day in dress rehersals for Savannah's Dance recital. She is so shy and terrified of being in front of people. We were pretty sure she wouldn't do the recital, but she really wanted to. I was able to actually catch some fun video of her dances and some photo shots of her during the rehersal. It's a good thing too, because as soon as she walked out on stage and saw all of the people, she walked right back off. She's come so far since the first day of class, so we were proud of how much she has grown in having confidence. Hopefully next time she'll go through with it.
           The last couple of days are making arrangements to move, rearranging utilitities, packing, and getting ready to leave town for the next 4 days for a high school graduation and a family reunion.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


           Well for lack of taking any pictures lately... here's some I've been scanning in of old photos growing up, so another self portrait. Hmm... some of these self portraits are better than the ones now! :)
           Life will be crazy for us the next couple of weeks, hence probably a lack of absence here on the blog. Today was a mother's day present. A day all to myself to relax with two of my friends. Beau kept the kids all day while I got to enjoy going out, shopping (ok more like browsing) and lunch with them. Then later an hour foot massage. My husband is way too good to me. :)
           The middle of my day out was broken up so we could go and close on our new house! Yeah! I was perfectly fine giving up part of my day so that we could get this ball moving. Which means I'll be MIA as we are packing, traveling to reunions and graduations next week, and then moving and cleaning the following week. Trying to get out of here by the 30th. Good luck to us. It will be a crazy couple of weeks, but at least when it's all over we will be in our own place! Yeah!!!!! It's been a blessing, and we've had so many blessings poured out on us all the way around. Life has been good.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Newest Stuff

           Well lately I have just been exhausted and so uncomfortable. I will be so ready for this baby to get out here in a month. So my lack of blogging is basically because of a lack of energy. I've been working on some new baby products for the last couple of weeks and finally got them up at ScrapGirls! Yeah. I was excited because it's something that I can use quite a bit for my own purposes. I always like that!
           We are in the process of buying a tiny house. It's not necessarily any bigger than where we are at right now, but we'll have an extra bedroom for the kids, a garage, and a small yard! Yeah! we hopefully close here the end of next week, and then I will probably be MIA as we are packing, moving and cleaning these last couple of weeks!
           Here some pictures of my latest creations!
           My Newborn Collection.

           Here's a layout of Isaac using it.
           Here's my first attempt at actually doing some illustrations to match a kit. It was pretty fun, and now I've got ideas for other ones as well, which we're in the process of drawing out.

           This is probably my favorite part. The Newborn baby album templates. Savannah is now almost 5, I have three kids and no baby books for them. It just took too long. So now that I'm in love with the 4x6 size, I made some templates for an album that size. It is perfect, I was able to whip all of their albums out no problem, and they now officially have one! Yeah!!!
           Here's some samples showing Isaac's finished album. Just too much fun!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

With still a month and a half to go.

           I've seen this photo in various places and my husband rolls his eyes at it every time because he says it's just not possible to actually see the foot like this. He's right, but boy lately (especially today) I sure feel like this photo. My stomach feels like it's in my throat and my growing belly is feeling huge and tight with all this rolling, moving, and pushing. I keep wondering what this kid is doing. I'm sure she's just trying to get comfortable just like me. Especially after all the abuse from her siblings. Isaac climbing and standing on my stomach, everyone sitting on it, pushing on it and climbing on it. I'm sure she's wondering what we are doing!