Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Catch Up

           How do you play catch up when you haven't written for weeks! The last couple have been crazy. Thursday I got to enjoy my mother's day present. A day to myself to relax with friends, go out to lunch, and a hour foot massage. Beau really knows how to pamper me. He picked just the right thing. He hung out with the kids all day and was a real trooper.
           We also closed on the house the same day and have been in the process of packing things up and getting ready to move.
           Saturday was spent all day in dress rehersals for Savannah's Dance recital. She is so shy and terrified of being in front of people. We were pretty sure she wouldn't do the recital, but she really wanted to. I was able to actually catch some fun video of her dances and some photo shots of her during the rehersal. It's a good thing too, because as soon as she walked out on stage and saw all of the people, she walked right back off. She's come so far since the first day of class, so we were proud of how much she has grown in having confidence. Hopefully next time she'll go through with it.
           The last couple of days are making arrangements to move, rearranging utilitities, packing, and getting ready to leave town for the next 4 days for a high school graduation and a family reunion.

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