Thursday, May 15, 2008


           Well for lack of taking any pictures lately... here's some I've been scanning in of old photos growing up, so another self portrait. Hmm... some of these self portraits are better than the ones now! :)
           Life will be crazy for us the next couple of weeks, hence probably a lack of absence here on the blog. Today was a mother's day present. A day all to myself to relax with two of my friends. Beau kept the kids all day while I got to enjoy going out, shopping (ok more like browsing) and lunch with them. Then later an hour foot massage. My husband is way too good to me. :)
           The middle of my day out was broken up so we could go and close on our new house! Yeah! I was perfectly fine giving up part of my day so that we could get this ball moving. Which means I'll be MIA as we are packing, traveling to reunions and graduations next week, and then moving and cleaning the following week. Trying to get out of here by the 30th. Good luck to us. It will be a crazy couple of weeks, but at least when it's all over we will be in our own place! Yeah!!!!! It's been a blessing, and we've had so many blessings poured out on us all the way around. Life has been good.


  1. How exciting, a house to call your own! Good luck with everything, I hope you have some help!!! You forgot to mention you are like 9 months pregnant! Don't put yourself into labor...unless you want to;)

    Take care.

  2. Wow, congrats on your house! Can't wait to see pictures. Good luck with all the packing. I wish I was close so I could take your kids for the day to help out. People did that for me the last two times we moved and it helped tremendously! And that picture looks exactly like your oldest. I thought it was her.

  3. Good luck with the move! That is so exciting! I also thought that picture was of Savannah, yet I think she looks a lot like Beau. It's so funny how they can look just like the both of you.

  4. How exciting, and crazy busy. You're wonder woman! :) We want to hear about the house! And Joey says he wishes we could come help out!


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