Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Healthier Me.

           I've been wanting to get healthier and more fit, loose this extra weight, and just start developing better habits, and more healthy habits. My female cousins and aunts have started a blog where we've encouraged each other, had challenges and reported on how we've done with our weightloss goals. It has been great. We recently found an awesome site which is devoted to help you get healthier. You can set up teams like my cousins and I have been doing to motivate and encourage each other, you can track your exercise, your eating habits, have an exercise and diet tailored to your goals etc. It's awesome. I can see how this can really help out in motivating each other, sharing success and hardships and encouraging one another to be healthier. The best part it is free. It doesn't cost to use it! If you do join, I'd love to connect with you in a team or as a friend to encourage you and to get encouragement myself. Just leave me your username in the comments section, or feel free to add me as your friend... satippetts.

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