Sunday, August 24, 2008

Luau Time

           This weekend we celebrated Savannah's 5th birthday. Five Years old. How did that happen. She starts kindergarten this upcoming tuesday. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. She is such a little girl now and not my baby or my toddler.
           To celebrate we decided to do a beach party/luau. (Mom was princessed out. You just have to convince them how cool it would be to do another kind of party or I might be forced to decorate princess cakes for the rest of my life!)

           We made paper lanterns out of construction paper and strung them across the back yard, with balloons and put up our beach umbrella.

           I made a palm tree birthday cake. It was super easy - made from just two round cakes. Anyone could do it. We had yummy fruit slush that was served with pop and little umbrellas in the in the cup.

           We had everyone arrive in their swimming suits and we had paper grass skirts made from brown paper bags, and a little baggie for them to make their own leis. (Muffin cups, straws and yarn.)

           It was 105 degrees outside and we were cooking! So we didn't play many games. Just made leis, opened presents, had cake and then cooled off in the sprinklers!

           We had a great time! It was fun to hang out with friends and have a reason to celebrate. Happy Birthday Savannah! We love you!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Happy Birthday Savannah! You're so big! It's so fun to watch them grow, I can't believe Callan is almost 5 too. It looks like you guys had fun! We don't really do princess cakes around here. Maybe if you lived closer you could help me with a dump truck cake?! ha ha ha!

  3. Looks like so much fun! And a lot of work! I'm sure the girls loved it!


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