Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sunny Day

           Yesterday was one of those good days. The sun is shining here. It feels like spring. It's so beautiful and it better not be playing jokes on me. It was a jammed packed, good, and magical day. (As Mandy would like to call it.)

           I went to our service group and learned how to bind a quilt. I can now finish my wall hanging after all.
           We had an unexpected visit to the park to run and play.
           We had a picnic on our front porch while reading two new books I got. I'm loving them.
           Isaac took a nap. A miracle in itself. But after he woke up and he continued to lay in that exact spot for the next 3 hours.. I assumed he's sick. Which he is. Poor guy.
           Our flowers are coming up.
           We finally had birds visit our bird feeder that we had put up a while ago.
           I was able to take a nap.
           I had the chance to go do a temple session in the evening with a sister from our ward.
           It was another one of those good days. I'm determined that today is going to be one too.
           I've also been working on and have been wanting to work on these fun projects for the kids and I.
           -knitting Cailtyn a sweater
           -embroidering some flour sack towels, with my own designs.
           -making some felt play food for the girls
           -making some fun, cute cloth dolls for some little girls as well.
           -planning frugal, healthy menus to create a system to make this house run a bit more organized and to save a bit more money.

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