Thursday, February 19, 2009


           One of my favorite things about reading the scriptures are the parables, allegories and imagery that they have. They excite me a lot. They are such a visual story to me and the levels of depth that they can take on.
           A few weeks ago I taught a lesson on Matthew 13 - the Parable of the Sower. It was such a fun lesson to teach and ever since then I've had this desire to just play around and see what kind of visual images I could come up with for these parables and allegories I love so much.
           So last night to relax I decided I was going to play around for me and work on a series of 4 images for the 4 types of ground the seed or word of God landed on. I was only able to get 2 done before I forced myself to pull away from the computer so I could get some sleep. (Only to be woken up 4 more times in the night by kids.)
It was so enjoyable though that I'm dying to finish up the other two.


  1. These are really cool Shalae! Can't wait to see the other two!! :)

  2. Oh my goodness! You are a wonderful artist! I would love to have these to frame! I can't wait to see the other two! I love parables too, they have so many layers to them, I love when the Lord shines His light on something I have never seen in them before, even after reading them oodles of times! What a blessing! :D


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