Thursday, June 18, 2009

My latest creative outburst.

           So my latest creative endeavor happened because bascially..... I wish this was me. On a bike right now, riding cross crountry with my husband to enjoy a few days away with each other... the good news? It might happen in August for our anniversary. Just need to beg the inlaws.
           But really my secret dream is to some day own my own leathers. I'm awaiting the day of graduation (and then a real job) when we can get Beau a bike instead of a second car. Until then I have to settle for borrowing my father in law's bike and creating digital scrapbook collections about it.
           We've had a few request for some Biker collections, and after Beau's last road trip with his dad I said I was up for it... and then months later I finally started it and finished. It was one fun collection to put together I tell you. It definitely made the need for a road trip even stronger though.
           Beau was helpful in taking care of the kids so I could get some time in but there's nothing more frustrating to going to bed with ideas still in your head and all you can dream about is computer screens, chrome and leather.

1 comment:

  1. Shalae! Who knew this mild mannered Mormon girl really wants leathers! I would have never guessed in a million years! What a fun hobby.


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