Monday, June 22, 2009

Playing around

           I love experimenting in Photoshop and trying to see what kind of effects I can create, especially any that look similar to fine art media.
           I came up with this similarity to a watercolor painting. It could still use some tweaking, but I love coming upon some new technique that I can play around with and create various effects with. Too much fun. Ok I'm off to work on some stuff that NEEDS to be done. :)


  1. I LOVE watercolors! I was actually just working on some designs this afternoon, that if they turn out right..... ;) I'm going to use as overlays for my photos! We'll see! :D

  2. LOVE this idea Shalae, never thought about using it on photos. I have your styles ... LOVE them, so off to play with them. And so easy! Clicking the style and ready!!


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