Friday, July 31, 2009

Loving These

           These are a few things I’m loving lately.
           Carina’s work – especially her little paintings and embroidery. Her random as well as symmetrical embroidery patterns are amazing. Gorgeous stuff.

           Mimilove’s artwork. What can I say but WOW! I love the combination of her paintings on canvas and the embroidery on top of it. How she even comes up with these is beyond me! You have to check out her others that have sold. If had extra money burning in my pockets, I would love an original. Just finished this book. What an inspiring family. It was a fun quick read, gave me hope that I can handle my kids and what other future ones join our home. Learned a few good tips, had some thoughts to mull over and was just inspired by these guys.
           I am counting down the days till this book is released. I loved her Creative Family and can’t wait to check this one out.
           I’m now in the middle of this one. Really good so far, thought provoking and so true. It makes me wonder where my PHD husband will be happier in a year once his degree is earned…. I love this layout by Christy. This girl is a talented Layout Artist. I had to copy this one for inspiration and to keep admiring. I love the way she’s composed the three photos together and yet focusing on the one. Her hanging embellishments. Everything… I love this! Check out her other stuff. She always amazes me.
           Blueberries have been on sale lately and man they taste so good. Especially with vanilla yogurt mixed with cottage cheese. Yummy! Blueberry pancakes. In Milk. Coated in chocolate…. really yummy!

Blueberry season

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Picnic Lunch

           This week is Staycation week at ScrapGirls. That means that everyday is a themed day with crops, chats, lots of prizes and an amazing sale. Today’s theme is Picnic which lead to the creation of a new picnic collection from me, as well as hosting  a chat at 3pm EST if anyone would like to join us!
            Now it’s just time for me and the kids to get out and enjoy the last days of summer together and have a picnic at the park, or our backyard for that matter! :)
           (No these are not my kids… can you believe that I’ve never taken pictures of us actually having a picnic when we have gone!?  What kind of mother am I really?)

STI_ PicnicLunch_CollMini_LO

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Camping with Family

           We got back Monday night late from 3 days of camping and a day at Bear Lake. Talk about exhausting. Poor little Isaac got so worn out from camping that Sunday he had a fever all day, and the day at the lake about did him in. We had a great time with Beau’s family. All of his siblings and their families were up with their families except Alex who is in St. Louis for the summer.
           Aunt Wendy spoiled the kids with a piƱata and a fish pond. They thought it was so great. They enjoyed riding the little motorbike with dad, playing in the woods, going for hikes and hanging out at Grandma’s house. What a great time. The last couple of days, I’ve been trying to recuperate as I’ve been exhausted from the weekend as well. Hopefully we’ll post some pictures soon when my husband gets back from Girls Camp tomorrow with the camera.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


           First off.... I think I was never meant to post the rest of my Philmont pictures. My computer died on me yesterday morning, and until we either replace it, or rig up Beau's so I can use it, I no longer have access to any of my photos. :( Bummer Deal. Until then I guess you get to hear all my deep thoughts, questions, ponderings and anything else I can blog about that requires no photos. Tough.
           Soo.... my thoughts lately?
           They all stem from this book.
           I just finished reading it a couple of days ago. What a great, inspiring book. It's the story of a former LDS Seminary teacher and his journey through alcoholism and addiction. Everyone should really read this book. Just to understand alcoholism better, and to realize the power of the atonement and how real and powerful it is. His entire life was ruined, he lost everything. Yet it shows how much God loves us and will not give up on us, how he can change us, if we completely submit to his will. It's a story that made me have many thoughts.
1) A former friend
           It made me remember a friend of mine. I grew up with him in High School and never associated or knew him. I just knew who he was, that he was mixed up in alcohol and drugs, that he was a smart kid, but making poor choices. All I knew after we graduated was that at one point he was doing time in the State Penitentiary. About 7 years later after having never really seen him since my junior year, I went to church one day to see him sitting in my Sunday School class. We talked, he shared what had been happening in his life, and I became friends with him. He had served his time and was currently in a rehab program trying to get off of drugs, and alcohol. He was doing good. I'd help him go to his drug testing since he had no car, we'd take him to church activities, he'd come and hang out when he was struggling and wanted to go drink. I remember him sharing how hard it was to overcome his drug addictions. He still smoked all the time, he needed that to keep off the other. He mentioned how just normal words to us, would trigger responses in him that reminded him of shooting up and wanting more. He was trying so hard. He wanted so badly to turn his life around, and yet you saw how tragic and deep addictions ran. I ended up moving away, and lost contact with him. I wonder where he is. I wonder where he sits in his battle and his journey of becoming free. I wish I did more and wish I had kept in contact more. I hope the little bit of time I did get to spend with him, meant something and helped in some way.
2) Addictions
           It's make me ponder addictions. I may not be an alcoholic or a drug addict, but am I addicted to something? I love this part on the cover of the book...
           "We live in an addicted society: alcohol, anger, caffeine, controlling behavior, criticism, food, gossip, pornography, pride, television, tobacco, videos, video games, work, street and prescription drugs-any destructive substance or behavior. To a lesser or greater extent, most of us have a drug or compulsive behavior of choice."
           What is my addiction? I believe everyone has one. Something that we do without thinking, over and over again, to stuff away emotions, when we're stressed, when we want to celebrate. A compulsive behavior (of choice at one point) but now it's at the point that we don't necessarily choose it anymore it just happens. It has action over us.
           It might be something simple like our time spent on the computer, message boards, it might be food /eating, it might be talking about other people, it might be video games or time wasters, it can be anything that becomes extreme. We might actually recognize that it's a problem, we might try to overcome it, we might try to change our ways, try a new program, something to help us get over this habit or addiction... we fail, we do good for a while, then we fail again... we keep falling back to it. Which has made me think long and hard about this thought that was given at Philmont.
3) "The world's programs are never effective, only Christ is."
           That's not exactly how it was worded but close. (I can't find my notebook it was written in.) Basically the world has many self help programs, recovery programs, programs to help you change, programs to make you better, programs to help you overcome weaknesses and become strong.... etc. The problem is none of them will ever solve the problem, none of them are ever completely efficient or effective. The only answer to completely changing ourselves, overcoming weakness, habits or addictions is through Christ and only through him. He is the only way.
           I saw that in this book. I'm recognizing it more and more in my own life. I've admitted to myself that I have an addiction - food. I find myself eating to stuff emotions, eating more than I should with out realizing eating when I'm stress, bored, or when something is bothering me. I realize that I've tried many of the "world's ways and philosophies" on how to change this habit. They are good, reliable, healthy ways of doing it too.... but they have still not been effective. I'm starting to realize more and more, that I can not overcome this problem on my own. I can not control it. It seems to control me. I'm realizing I need Christ's help more and more than I even know. I'm still trying to figure out how to do that. How to truly let him change me and help me. This book gave me some insight. It made me search myself.
4) Chains.
           It's been interesting too how as I've studied the scriptures this last week that I kept coming to a reference that mentioned "Shake off the chains with which ye are bound." Satan has the world bound in chains, how he desires to have us in chains so that we can not move, do, or act. I've wondered what these chains are or could be. Possibly addictions, habits, ignorance, sin, etc. I've read and pondered when the scriptures talks of Satan slowly wrapping you with a flaxen cord. A very small cord, which can easily be broken, but because of it's smallness we don't notice or recognize it for what it is, and then he slowly wraps more and more of it, and before we know it, we are bound. We can not get out, we are unable to move and act. He has us wrapped in chains. The author of this book really stressed and showed through his life, how it was the little tiny things that didn't seem to matter, that eventually opened up the way for bigger sins, and eventually destruction and a mighty fall.
           Have I let him wrap me in a small flaxen cord at all? Am I letting him put the tiny little wedge in, which later can be hit with bigger things and split the tree in half.
           I love books like this that make me think, that make me realize things within my own life that are problems, and ways to possible overcome them. I love the hope I felt though after reading it though that it is possible. With Christ all things are possible. "Nothing is impossible with God." I need to truly learn how to turn my life, my weaknesses and addictions over to him.
5) Help
           As I've been thinking about this whole thing of addictions and actually admitting I might have one, I ran across our church's Addiction Recovery Program. It uses the 12 steps of alcoholic's anonymous, but is more faith centered. I thought it had some good stuff, good questions and things to ask myself and think about. Good steps that I myself could study, and go through to help me learn how to turn this addiction over to him.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Philmont - Day 1

           The hard drive is finally back in my computer, and althought it's been a few weeks since we've been there I still wanted to share about our week at Philmont, so that we have it documented for our own family history.
           The first day we arrived in the afternoon and spent the afternoon moving into these lovely tents that would be our home for the next 6 days. We had two for our family since they aren't the largest things in the world. But at least they had cots with mattresses on them instead of sleeping on the ground. Boy did they heat up during the day though! What a killer.
           The girls were in heaven pretending that the tents were their little houses. Savannah kept getting upset because people would keep coming in and leaving things, making a mess or moving things. "This house just keeps getting messy!!" Oh if only we could carry that attitude back home. :)
           Isaac was in heaven being able to climb on things, run free, play in the dirt and really be a boy.
           The best part of the week was that this mom didn't have to make one meal for 6 days! Yeah! We ate here in the cafeteria, and even though it was cafeteria food it wasn't that bad. Are you kidding. It was amazing. Any food I don't have to make is amazing. What a wonderful break. Maybe that was one of the many reasons I left feeling refreshed from the week.
           There is a gorgeous villa with beautiful gardens that we explored for the afternoon. (More pictures from it later.) We celebrated Caitlyn's birthday with our friends and some cupcakes. The evening was spent at the program bowl singing campfire songs, seeing opening skits, and being introduced to our week here at Philmont.
           We started meeting amazing people.
           We made it through the first night sleeping away from home. My kids hit the sack and didn't move until we woke them up the next day. 6 solid nights of that. They were so exhausted by the end of the day. If only that were the case here at home. There's nothing like having the opportunity to be a kid to play hard all day, and fall asleep exhausted at the end of it.

Monday, July 13, 2009

This Little Girl Turned One!

           Happy Birthday Caitlyn. She actually turned one on our way to Philmont at the end of June. Her birthday was spent in the car, but when we actually were unloaded and set up at camp we pulled out the cupcakes and let her dig in.
           This year has gone by sooo fast. They grow so much, develop so much and before you know it they are little people walking around with a personality. She has become tough from her older siblings and can bounce back after being roughed up by them. She has figured out walking before she turned one and is a professional now, getting faster and faster... oh the things I have to look forward to.She's a serious one and an observer of everything. Smart and understands so much more than we give her credit for I'm sure. She loves to have fun and will laugh and have the time of her life playing and chasing Isaac. She has her siblings killer blue eyes that will melt you every time.
           Happy Birthday cutie! Our family wouldn't be complete without you!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Laycee's Book List

           The rest of my Philmont Pictures ended up getting moved to another computer, so until my husband puts my hard drive back in my computer(hint...hint...honey,) then you'll have to wait for the rest of the pictures. (Which I'm sure you have been checking this blog endlessly to see.)
           Until then.... this flaky girl has promised to give Laycee a book list of some of my favorites nonfiction books to read about mothering, parenting, and life in general. I'm flaky because she asked for it months ago. We'll ignore that fact and instead feel special that you get your very own blog post dedicated to you Lace! (These have links to amazon but you can probably find them at the library or through interlibrary loan.)

  • Running With Angels - Motivational
  • The Perfect Brightness of Hope - Motivational
  • I Didn't Plan to Be a Witch - Mothering
  • Parenting with Love and Logic - Parenting
  • The Hiding Place - Motivational
  • Blue Like Jazz - Thought provoking
  • Your Money or Your Life - Love this way of thinking about finances.
  • A Joyful Mother of Children - Mothering
  • Peacegiver - Inspirational
  • The Tightwad Gazette - Living on a small budget (3 different volumes or there is the complete tightwad gazette that has all of them combined.
  • The Creative Family - Inspiring, Mothering
  • Living Simply With Children - Parenting (Knowing your wyoming background because it's similar to mine, part of this book might drive you crazy... you'll see when you read it, but it made me really think about a lot of things.)
  • Les Miserables - Ok I know this one isn't a nonfiction, but it's my top favorite. Intense and a long read but so worth it. I've read it over and over, both the long and abridged version. Beau and I read it together when we were first married, and at the end he couldn't finish reading it outloud because we were both so choked up and overcome. That's a lot to say for a Tippetts boy. :) If it seems too overwhelming at first - read the abridged version.

           I haven't read these ones yet, but they're on my list and I've heard they're good.

  • The Duggers: 20 and counting. If she can raise 20 kids I want to know how she does it and it gives me hope that I can surely rasie my 4.:)
  • Grace Based Parenting - parenting
  • Handmade Home - counting down the days till this one is released.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


           I have so much to share from our week at Philmont that I decided it might be best if I divided it up over this next week. Our church asked Beau to attend the LDS BSA (Boy Scout) Leadership Conference in New Mexico. This Leadership conference is a family conference and we had the option of attending as a family as well. We thought it was a great opportunity and the cheapest vacation we could get for 6 days - plus everything was taken care of. What better arrangements than that! We were also going to be attending with another family that has kids the same age as ours which we were excited about. We'd be able to learn some great stuff, spend time as a family and get to know this other great family in our neighborhood.
           There is nothing like spending 12 hours in a car to bind or tear apart a family. Luckily for us we made it through alive. The trip down we split into two days but did most of the driving the first day. Although it was long, and we stopped plenty of times, we enjoyed new scenery of Utah, Colorado and New Mexico. The kids even survived with no portable DVD player. I think they actually were better because they found other things to do, rather than asking over and over when they would get to watch a movie.
           On the way down we stopped in a little tiny town to search out a cemetery. Our friends had some ancestors that came from the area and they wanted to see if they could find any gravesides for them. We had no idea what a neat little place it was. It was located on the top of a hill and as we drove through in rain, puddles and washed out dirt roads, we wound past stucco walls, old churches, and came at last to this tiny little cemetery that had such a native Hispanic feel about it. The rain slowed, so while being attacked by swarms of mosquitoes we searched for his family names, enjoyed the cacti, red earth, fantastic tombstones and a double rainbow in the sky.
           I have always loved cemeteries. They are one of my favorite places to roam, sit, and enjoy the peacefulness of them. What other place can you have so much history, stories, lives, and generations in one spot. There is something about them that I can't get enough of. In college if I needed peace away from roommates, or a place to write in my journal, I would hike to the top of the hill and sit amidst the old broken tombstones and wonder about the people while finding rest to my soul.On the way back down we passed this gorgeous adobe church, with it's three crosses. This whole place had such a neat feel of old mission homes and Spanish heritage.
           Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. I love everything about this photo.We drove a littler further and enjoyed an evening of amazing authentic Mexican food in the upstairs of an old Spanish house. What a great way to start of our vacation.


           I'm back! After 6 days in New Mexico at Philmont Scout Ranch, and 2 days of Family Reunions, we are home and trying to get our lives put back together. I have to admit that our experience at Philmont was nothing like I had imagined. It was amazing, filling, restful, hopeful, and amazingly spiritual. I came back renewed and a better person. Ready to become something. We had a great time as a family and I can't wait to post a whole slew of pictures for you to enjoy later!
           (I just love this picture of Mirian and her cousin Porter. They were having a great time playing in the water together. Thanks for a great Reunion Cortney and Nic!)