Thursday, July 16, 2009

Philmont - Day 1

           The hard drive is finally back in my computer, and althought it's been a few weeks since we've been there I still wanted to share about our week at Philmont, so that we have it documented for our own family history.
           The first day we arrived in the afternoon and spent the afternoon moving into these lovely tents that would be our home for the next 6 days. We had two for our family since they aren't the largest things in the world. But at least they had cots with mattresses on them instead of sleeping on the ground. Boy did they heat up during the day though! What a killer.
           The girls were in heaven pretending that the tents were their little houses. Savannah kept getting upset because people would keep coming in and leaving things, making a mess or moving things. "This house just keeps getting messy!!" Oh if only we could carry that attitude back home. :)
           Isaac was in heaven being able to climb on things, run free, play in the dirt and really be a boy.
           The best part of the week was that this mom didn't have to make one meal for 6 days! Yeah! We ate here in the cafeteria, and even though it was cafeteria food it wasn't that bad. Are you kidding. It was amazing. Any food I don't have to make is amazing. What a wonderful break. Maybe that was one of the many reasons I left feeling refreshed from the week.
           There is a gorgeous villa with beautiful gardens that we explored for the afternoon. (More pictures from it later.) We celebrated Caitlyn's birthday with our friends and some cupcakes. The evening was spent at the program bowl singing campfire songs, seeing opening skits, and being introduced to our week here at Philmont.
           We started meeting amazing people.
           We made it through the first night sleeping away from home. My kids hit the sack and didn't move until we woke them up the next day. 6 solid nights of that. They were so exhausted by the end of the day. If only that were the case here at home. There's nothing like having the opportunity to be a kid to play hard all day, and fall asleep exhausted at the end of it.

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