Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Camping with Family

           We got back Monday night late from 3 days of camping and a day at Bear Lake. Talk about exhausting. Poor little Isaac got so worn out from camping that Sunday he had a fever all day, and the day at the lake about did him in. We had a great time with Beau’s family. All of his siblings and their families were up with their families except Alex who is in St. Louis for the summer.
           Aunt Wendy spoiled the kids with a piñata and a fish pond. They thought it was so great. They enjoyed riding the little motorbike with dad, playing in the woods, going for hikes and hanging out at Grandma’s house. What a great time. The last couple of days, I’ve been trying to recuperate as I’ve been exhausted from the weekend as well. Hopefully we’ll post some pictures soon when my husband gets back from Girls Camp tomorrow with the camera.

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