Saturday, December 5, 2009

Bag Lady

           Lately I’ve been addicted to crocheting. Working on 2-3 different projects at the same time. I have almost finished an afghan, a sweater is in the works and I just finished up a Christmas Garland, a bag for Mirian and this bag. I fell in love with the pattern and it was my marathon project during the Thanksgiving break.  But I GOT IT DONE!  The colors shown here in the photo aren’t exactly the correct ones.
           There is just something fascinating to me about taking some yarn and with twists, turns, knots and various colors you can make something beautiful out of it. There’s just something that satisfies the creative part in me by using beautiful colors and making something complex and beautiful from something so simple. It’s so relaxing, something I can do at night to unwind, do in the car when we’re traveling and can pick up and do in short spare moments throughout the day. Finishing the afghan for Mirian is next.Savannah has an obsession with bags. She has thousands of them and they are all filled with various things. Her nickname has become the bag lady because of a night when we found her tiny baby stroller in the hall with 4-6 different bags on them, some just plastic grocery bags.  They were all filled with “her treasures”.  It reminded us of someone on the street with all their belongings in bags in a grocery cart.  The other day Beau made a comment to her. “Savannah, you know I suddenly understand why you love bags so much and why you have so many.”  (It’s one of Beau’s trials in life.)  “It’s because your mom has lots of bags.” (Ouch.)  “She has a pink one, a red one, a ScrapGirls bag, a mesh one, a purse….. “ Ok I’m guilty.  I can now add a crocheted one to the list.
Crochet3 crochet1 crochet2


  1. This bag is so beautiful! Wonderful color choices. It looks hard, was it?

  2. I think once you become a mother you have to be a bag lady. I can't leave the house without bringing the kitchen sink! The bag is beautiful, I love the colors!!

  3. Wow Shalae! Great job! I've never been able to venture beyond baby blankets! Good for you!

  4. Oh, yeah. I think the bag thing must be in the family. I don't even remember how many I own and Abbey has her collection as well. But, hey that's ok! Remember, we Astle women understand, the 'Power of a Bag'! Have a great day! Love you lots!

  5. I don't know, Cort, maybe it's a Fielding thing! I can't have enough! Paul shakes his head every time I come home with a new one! I can't help myself! My newest one is "Miche" purse. It's awesome! Look it up on-line. They're great!

    Great job, Shalae! Someday, I may have to buy one from you! :)


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