Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December Already

           The time has flown. We spent a relaxing holiday with our families over the break. It was nice to see family, relax and remember how blessed we are.  I am so grateful for the wonderful life and family the Lord has blessed me with.
           Today I finally get to share my big project that I’ve been working on for the last couple of months… ok many months it seems. I think everyone close to me will be glad that this is officially finished.  I was asked to do club for ScrapGirls this month. Which is a lot of work, but a great opportunity.  So here she is!
           A HUGE thanks to everyone that helped me out during all of this. I owe you big!
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STI_Promise_PaperSuperMini_Brown copy
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  1. Wow Shalae! Those looks awesome. Wonderful colors and detail.

  2. Looks beautiful Shalae! I'm sure your relieved to finally get it done! Great Job!

  3. You seriously out did yourself. This is gorgeous! The colors are so wonderful and warm and inviting and I love the wood papers! RICH! Way to attack another club. So proud of you.


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