Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Going Mad

Well it’s mischief week at ScrapGirls.  A week of fun, lots of chats, games and prizes.  The theme is Alice and Wonderland and even though I’m a little slow at getting this done I had to dress the part.

If you’d like to join us you can find a list of the chats and events in the last ScrapGirls Newsletter. Plus a really good sale (29.1 % off) happening until April 30th!  This is one of the biggest sales we have all year.

I joined in last night at the mad scrap challenge. Where they tell you what you have to use and you’ve got roughly an hour to put a layout together. Here’s my result. For a while I thought it was going to end up looking funny, but in the end I rather liked it! I’m sure it has to do with my cute subject matter. Isaac was just one of the cutest babies to photograph.


  1. oh my goodness, that avatar is hilarious! i love the hair. ;)

    and your layout turned out so well. i'm sad i missed that crop, it looks like it was fun. gotta love the mischief week! :)


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