Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Young Women Personal Progress

In our church the girls ages 12 – 18 participate in the Young Women’s Program. It is an excellent program designed to help girls prepare to become mothers, wives, and good righteous women. Within the young women’s program is goal oriented program called personal progress, which is based upon 8 values. Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, Choice and Accountability, Good Works, Integrity, and Virtue.

Right now my calling (or church service) in our ward is with the Young Women as secretary. Even though I finished the personal progress as a youth the program has changed a lot since then. It’s my goal to go through the whole program again right now and earn it again along with my young women.

For one of my projects I wanted to create a mini album to share with anyone, based on the young women values. I wanted something that was basic and could be used for multiple things. I hope some of you can find a use for it. The two graphics show the whole collection.

STI_EZPageAlbum_4x6_YWValues2_MKTG_600 It can be used for many things:

- note cards / postcards

- church handouts

- invitations to New Beginnings, Young Women in Excellence, Standard Night

- create a finished album recording all of your 8 value experiences you completed.
- scripture memorization cards

- photo book for camp or YW activities.
- use it for a YW activity to teach your girls how to digital scrapbook.
- have your girls use it in a persona progress goal.
- be creative!

For each value there is one page that is a journaling page, and then one that is a photo page, with an open hole to place a photograph. If you want to manipulate it a bunch some photo editing software would work the best. (Although my sister can do amazing things with Microsoft Word, which I can not do.) So that program might work as well. If not, it can easily be printed out and just written on.

It’s free for you to use. I’d love to hear how you use it, or see any finished projects if you have the time. I really hope that some of you might find it of value because I sure had a lot of fun making it.

Please feel free to let people know about it, and direct them here where they can download it. Thanks!


  1. Shalae, these are gorgeous. Thank you! I have a bunch of pictures of when I was in YW that I would like to use it for. I'll post you a link when I get done.

  2. These are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your talent!

  3. They look beautiful Shalae! I'll have to tell our YW President about them and see if she's interested.

  4. Shalae - I just snuck over here from Scrap Girls and I'm so excited to see these!
    I'm serving in YW right now too, and I've been wanting to talk to our Pres. about scrapbooking with the girls, or maybe scrapbooking all the pictures we've taken of the girls.
    This will go a long way towards helping with that. Thanks so much!


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