Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Favorite Book

If there was a book that has had more impact on my life than any other it would be the Book of Mormon. A prophet once said "It is the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book."

I know that it is true, I feel closer to God and know my Savior Jesus Christ more fully when I read this book and abide by it's precepts. It has been the biggest blessing in my life. It has given me direction, it has provided answers to life's greatest questions. It testifies along with the Bible that Jesus is the Christ, he is our Savior, he did atone for us, and he has made it possible to be with our families beyond the grave.

I KNOW it is true, and because it means so much to me in my life, I'd like to share it others. I would love to give you a copy. If you would like a free copy with a personal note, please email me at, with your name and mailing address. I would love to send you your very own copy.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back to School

I have to admit I love this time of year. Not because my kid are going back to school, but because it just feels like change is in the air. It’s time to make some new goals, get back into a routine, and get things running a lot more smoother than they have for the summer. 

Savannah started school today and I think she’s excited to be back. Mirian is also going to be starting up Kindergarten and doesn’t get to go for another week. She just can’t understand why Savannah get’s to go to school already and she doesn’t. It just isn’t fair she says. I have to agree with her.  I have no idea why they do it this way.  I was reading a little notebook of mine today where I write down funny things the kids say, and I ran across this one from Mirian that she said a couple of years ago. It seems so fitting now. :)
“When I go to school, I’m going to High School Musical School.” 

And she would probably get along nicely there with all her singing and dancing lately. 

As part of my new goals, and trying to get back into a normal routine I have decided to finally tackle Photoshop Illustrator. I AM going to learn this program if it kills me. :)  Or at least I’m going to learn how to draw with that darn pen tool!!!  The little boy above is one of my first attempts today. So simple and yet it only took me 2 hours.. geesh.  To figure out how to get those curves going the right way, how to make corners, etc.  I have so many new ideas in my head. TONS…. of things I’d like to create, but can’t do them till I figure this program out.  So I may be boring you for a while with very BASIC simple illustrations, while I get this thing mastered.  (And that’s only 5 pages out of 300+ page book).  Hey it’s that time of year to begin learning right?!  I might as well join the crowd too.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

8 Amazing Years


Yesterday Beau and I celebrated our 8th anniversary.  Some days it is so hard to believe that we have been together for 8 years already? Didn’t we just get married yesterday? Then other days it seems like such a short time compared to all the amazing years we still have left with each other.  All I can think is how amazing and wonderful they have been.  I am always amazed how I was able to end up with such good man.  A REALLY good man.  He has been an amazing support to me.  He is a wonderful father, and I seriously can’t spend enough time with him.  If I ever have a choice between going somewhere or hanging out with others, I’d always choose him.  I just love being with him. It’s been like that since the first time I saw him and we spent an hour talking.  I left thinking, “How can I get together with him again?”
Life is so good with him.

Ever since we got married, we’ve always felt it was important to always make time for each other.  We feel that the best thing we can ever give our kids is a happy mom and dad, who have a deep love for each other and a good solid relationship. We know that we can not do that with the daily demands of kids, stress, work and callings if we do not make our relationship a priority and spending time alone together.   Courting and dating each other is a must, and when we don’t do that we are definitely not that happy mom or dad that our kids need.

So every year we plan a time usually around our anniversary to go for a 2-3 day trip by ourselves. The last two years we’ve been lucky enough to do it behind a bike.  Man it’s great!  This year we took a trip to the Idaho area.  (Checking out possible places to go when Beau graduates.) I kept telling him that Rexburg wouldn’t be too bad. He could teach at the college and it’s still feels rural which we love.  He always replied - no way… too windy and in the middle of no where.  But he decided we could check it out, visit my old stomping ground, and get away from the kids.

One of the days we spent on the bike geo-caching, checking out the gorgeous country, trying to beat the rain storms, and getting burned by the sun and wind!

The other day we checked out the college while geo-caching on campus.  The gardens on campus sold him.   I received my associates there 13 years ago, so for me it was a walk down memory lane. Remembering the happenings of my freshman and sophomore years of college.  Roomates, FHE Brothers, the Spori building (which has now been rebuilt after it burned down), 6 am job for the vending department, devotionals, classes, etc. It seems like almost a second life.

We spent one evening walking downtown, listening to a great sounding live band.  We had frozen custard for the first time – Key lime.  AMAZING…. we had to go back the second night to have some more.  Wow. 

We checked out the outlying communities and neighborhoods to get a feel to see if we could possibly live here if Beau could get on at the college. His final answer.  Yes.  I could move here. Now to graduate first.  :)

One of my favorite parts…… the endless rolling fields of potatoes, wheat and farms…… I would LOVE to live on a place like that.  Big red barn, country farm house, out buildings, tons of trees…. someday.  :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Camping on the Mind

What else would you design when all you’ve done is camp all summer. It seemed only fitting to pick a topic that I could use on all the photo’s I’ve taken. There’s also nothing like playing with your own styles to create your own “smores” and other camping goodies. :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Family Trees

For Christmas last year I created a Family Tree picture for my mom and dad of their personal heritage. I loved them. There is something amazing about sitting and looking at your direct lineage. Remembering their stories, where they came from and wondering who they are. I always wonder what they were like when they were living out their own personal story.
Grandma Tree Print_600
Everyone that saw them loved it. I had other family members asking me if I could make them some. I was so excited when Ro released her commercial version that would allow me to make them for other family members who had been wanting them. It also allows me to continue to make custom ones for others who would like their own family tree. They are wonderful gifts for weddings, Christmas time, special anniversaries, mothers and father’s day.

Astle Family Tree_600
Since I have had others ask for them as well, I thought I would be willing to create additional ones for anyone interested. I can do a custom one, creating your own family tree. It can be similar to the ones above or it can be one of posterity instead. It doesn’t have to have a blue matt, and can be custom made to the color of your choice, as well as the background color. I can create the family line for a family such as the one above. Or I can make it for an individual, like the one below.

If I have already made the custom original tree, then additional copies or prints can be ordered as well. If your lucky enough that I’ve already created your family line, then you’d just have to pay the print price.

I have Fielding, Kelly, and Astle lines already available.

If you are interested in giving it to someone for Christmas then I have to know before Oct. 30. I won’t accept any Christmas orders after that time.

If your interested at all email me at: and I’ll send you an email with further details and pricing.