Monday, August 2, 2010

Family Trees

For Christmas last year I created a Family Tree picture for my mom and dad of their personal heritage. I loved them. There is something amazing about sitting and looking at your direct lineage. Remembering their stories, where they came from and wondering who they are. I always wonder what they were like when they were living out their own personal story.
Grandma Tree Print_600
Everyone that saw them loved it. I had other family members asking me if I could make them some. I was so excited when Ro released her commercial version that would allow me to make them for other family members who had been wanting them. It also allows me to continue to make custom ones for others who would like their own family tree. They are wonderful gifts for weddings, Christmas time, special anniversaries, mothers and father’s day.

Astle Family Tree_600
Since I have had others ask for them as well, I thought I would be willing to create additional ones for anyone interested. I can do a custom one, creating your own family tree. It can be similar to the ones above or it can be one of posterity instead. It doesn’t have to have a blue matt, and can be custom made to the color of your choice, as well as the background color. I can create the family line for a family such as the one above. Or I can make it for an individual, like the one below.

If I have already made the custom original tree, then additional copies or prints can be ordered as well. If your lucky enough that I’ve already created your family line, then you’d just have to pay the print price.

I have Fielding, Kelly, and Astle lines already available.

If you are interested in giving it to someone for Christmas then I have to know before Oct. 30. I won’t accept any Christmas orders after that time.

If your interested at all email me at: and I’ll send you an email with further details and pricing.

1 comment:

  1. These are SO cool! You are amazing! Are you giving Grandma one? Is your mom giving all of her siblings one?


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