Wednesday, August 18, 2010

8 Amazing Years


Yesterday Beau and I celebrated our 8th anniversary.  Some days it is so hard to believe that we have been together for 8 years already? Didn’t we just get married yesterday? Then other days it seems like such a short time compared to all the amazing years we still have left with each other.  All I can think is how amazing and wonderful they have been.  I am always amazed how I was able to end up with such good man.  A REALLY good man.  He has been an amazing support to me.  He is a wonderful father, and I seriously can’t spend enough time with him.  If I ever have a choice between going somewhere or hanging out with others, I’d always choose him.  I just love being with him. It’s been like that since the first time I saw him and we spent an hour talking.  I left thinking, “How can I get together with him again?”
Life is so good with him.

Ever since we got married, we’ve always felt it was important to always make time for each other.  We feel that the best thing we can ever give our kids is a happy mom and dad, who have a deep love for each other and a good solid relationship. We know that we can not do that with the daily demands of kids, stress, work and callings if we do not make our relationship a priority and spending time alone together.   Courting and dating each other is a must, and when we don’t do that we are definitely not that happy mom or dad that our kids need.

So every year we plan a time usually around our anniversary to go for a 2-3 day trip by ourselves. The last two years we’ve been lucky enough to do it behind a bike.  Man it’s great!  This year we took a trip to the Idaho area.  (Checking out possible places to go when Beau graduates.) I kept telling him that Rexburg wouldn’t be too bad. He could teach at the college and it’s still feels rural which we love.  He always replied - no way… too windy and in the middle of no where.  But he decided we could check it out, visit my old stomping ground, and get away from the kids.

One of the days we spent on the bike geo-caching, checking out the gorgeous country, trying to beat the rain storms, and getting burned by the sun and wind!

The other day we checked out the college while geo-caching on campus.  The gardens on campus sold him.   I received my associates there 13 years ago, so for me it was a walk down memory lane. Remembering the happenings of my freshman and sophomore years of college.  Roomates, FHE Brothers, the Spori building (which has now been rebuilt after it burned down), 6 am job for the vending department, devotionals, classes, etc. It seems like almost a second life.

We spent one evening walking downtown, listening to a great sounding live band.  We had frozen custard for the first time – Key lime.  AMAZING…. we had to go back the second night to have some more.  Wow. 

We checked out the outlying communities and neighborhoods to get a feel to see if we could possibly live here if Beau could get on at the college. His final answer.  Yes.  I could move here. Now to graduate first.  :)

One of my favorite parts…… the endless rolling fields of potatoes, wheat and farms…… I would LOVE to live on a place like that.  Big red barn, country farm house, out buildings, tons of trees…. someday.  :)


  1. What great memories you guys are making together. Jon wants to buy a bike after he retires. If you move to Rexburg, you could be Kirsten's neighbor! Your pictures are beautiful!

  2. What a fun trip. We would love to live in Rexburg area! How exciting that there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

  3. Happy Anniversary! I cannot believe Beau has been in school the entire time you've been married! I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are a good woman Shalae!!! You deserve a barn and all the potato farms and trees you can get :)

  4. Rexburg huh? Good for you! You and Tiffany both huh? I'm glad you had a wonderful trip together. Thinking of you!

  5. Not that my opinion matters while you are planning your life, but I approve of Rexburg. I was there a couple of times last week for a niece's wedding, and it was so awesome to be back on campus--the rush of emotions and memories, and "none of this was here when I went here." And I was struck by the awesome spirit that still resides there and envelopes you, even in the cafeteria--have you seen how cool it is now? It made me yearn to be nineteen again.


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