Thursday, January 27, 2011

Small and Simple Things

This year as I started out the new year, I knew I needed to make huge headway on many projects and yet wanted to simplify everything in my life. The scripture "by small and simple things, great things are brought to past.." kept going through my head. (More on this later).

So I decided to test my theory... and test it with my design work. I have very little time to design. Too often I pick a big project that takes forever for me to get it out and into the store. I might get one product out a month if I'm lucky, and then I get burned out so fast.

So I decided to only do "small" products this year. Ones that were quick and fast. Ones that I could literally finish in 2-3 hours. I only have about 1 1/2 hours in the early morning before the kids awake to do any designing. I wanted something I could easily get done in those few hours, and possibly get two done in one week on my good weeks. If I had a bad week with life and general it was still small enough to get in the store.

I wanted it simple. I wanted it to be doable. I wanted it to work with my ADHD when it comes to having new ideas I wanted to work with. I somehow believe that even though these things are small and don't make big amounts of money, that small, consistent things will bring greater results than random, in frequent large things. So far I'm feeling good about it. It's been very doable. So far I've put something in the store every week, which has not happened for a VERY long time. I'm sort of looking forward to the end of the year, to look back and see if my theory proves correct. That these small and simple things will help out greatly in trying to prepare ourselves for when Beau graduates and we start job hunting. That somehow out of small things great things will come to pass.

These new JIF 6 Kits can be found in my store.


  1. Look gorgeous! Like always, you do wonderful work!

  2. Your "small" things are my "too huge" things; if only I had an hundreth of the talent you have to create. They're awesome--I love it when ambitions work.


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