Monday, April 18, 2011

Where We've Been

  • 3 days, 2 nights camping in the desert at Dead Horse Point Utah State Park. Slightly chilly and jacket weather but definitely better than the snow, rain and dreary clouds that we left in Provo. We survived a miserable first night of constant strong winds and freezing. The next couple of days were beautiful. We all came home sporting sunburns.
  • Spent time with our close friends the Lilywhites. Reminscing about that first time we met. They sat next to us in church. Beau introduced me to Kirt, telling me that they were in the same major. Little did we know that 9 years laters and 8 kids between both families, they'd both be getting their doctorates together in Robotic Vision - Engineering and looking at starting a business together after graduation. These are the best kinds of friends.
  • Getting messy. Nothing is greater than watching your kids get dirty, kick off their shoes, throw rocks, make mud pies from the red dirt, run hard, climb rocks, hike, and fall asleep exhausted for the nights.
  • Family hikes and bike rides in another one of God's amazing creations. Red dirt, sand, cliffs, the Colorado River, cactus, lizards, bluffs and the desert sun.
  • Dutch Ovens... yummy breakfasts, chili and cornbread, Honey BBQ Chicken and rice, and our new favorite - popcorn.
  • Car rides listening to Ramona and Beezus. We've decided that although we loved these books as children. They were not fun to listen to now as parents. The lady reading the audio book did too good of job and it felt like we were listening to our own whiny, arguing kids, non stop for 3 hours. Too close to home. We'll take Lemony Snicket instead!
  • Sick little girl. Poor Mirian didn't feel good the second day. She had a tummy ache, was tired and we wore her good spirits right out on the hike. Luckily the next day she was back to normal running, climbing, digging and playing.
Just ones of those great family memories. Small mini vacations are just perfect, especially when it involves sleeping in a tent, and no showers.


  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun. Utah really has some beautiful places. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon! Love you!

  2. Amazing photos! Sounds like you all had a wonderful trip. We do camping trips with close friends like this too and it is always a great break. Glad you had a nice time!

  3. This looks like a lot of fun Shalae :) we will be happy campers too very soon and really look forward to it!


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