Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Finally Summer

May was a really rough month for me. Unexpected family things happened that has had me only focusing on things that really matter and dropping a lot of things for a while. I have learned a lot though. Isn't that what all the hard things are about sometimes, making us really stretch and grow?

After months and months of rain, snow and cold, it's finally starting to feel like summer here this last week. It's been beautiful sunny days, beautiful temperatures and we are officially out on summer vacation. I have been looking forward to this for months. I have lots of things planned for the kiddos and hope to really enjoy this summer. The baby is growing, moving lots and it's hard to believe that she will be the culminating event of the summer. Time has flown.

Our camera also broke which has left me with no visual way of documenting our life for the last few months or so. It's been driving me crazy and I realized I just can't seem to blog unless there are photos. I'm a visual blogger by far. I loved my old camera. It was just a point and shoot but took great photos. We finally got a new one the other day, same camera just the newer version and I am pumped to play around with it, and start documenting the little things going on, and the fun I'm having with my kids.

Allergy season has suddenly attacked in full fury for me. Savannah and I have been so miserable. I forgot how miserable it is. Seeing cotton blowing from the trees right now is almost horrifying. The things you have to deal with when the sun begins to shine.

Despite the itchy eyes, congestion and constant sneezing, we are going to enjoy our summer days and I hope to have this blog filled with the daily happenings of our life. Life is too good right now not to enjoy every moment of it.


  1. I hear you on the allergies! They are misrable!! It has been such nice weather lately, even in Vegas we have not even reached the 100's yet. Life is GOOD!!

  2. so glad to see you are alive and well. I was just getting ready to call you and see what is up. I am glad things are going well. We think of you often & miss you, but are loving life here. We look forward to more blog posts from you. Love ya!


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