Monday, June 27, 2011

I'm This Many!

This weekend we got to celebrate Caitlyn's 3rd birthday. Everytime someone would call to wish her a happy birthday she would tell them on the phone, "I'm this many" and then hold up three fingers. She's been looking forward to this day for a while now, and was finally old enough to realize it was HER special day.

We decided to let the kids decorate their own birthday cupcake and went with the simple goldfish cupcakes from the book What's New Cupcake.

Here she is getting ready to blow out her candles and then dad getting a little silly.

Hhmmmm.. nothing like cherry chip cake according to Beau and the kids.

Opening the presents. Obviously the only wrapping paper we could find was Spiderman from Isaac's birthday. It's a good thing she didn't seem to care.

We enjoyed the evening, playing, tickling each other, and having having birthday blower wars.

Happy Birthday sweetie! It seems like just yesterday that you born. Instead your a little girl now, full of life, happiness, giggles, and spunk!

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