Monday, June 27, 2011

Carnival Night

Every year our stake (large church organization of 6 smaller congregations) have a summer picnic. I would call it more of a carnival. It's one of the highlights of the summer for the kids. They have a huge BBQ with hamburgers, hotdogs, watermelon, salads and chips. Then the night is spent enjoying the activities. (The best part is they are all free instead of carnival prices!)

Snow cones and cotton candy for anyone that wants them.... There's something so good about cotton candy.

Then there is the face painting, which my girls had been looking forward to all day.

Then there were the handmade rockets. Isaac lives for this activity. They have a table where you make your own rocket out of paper, and then they have these pvc pipe rocket lauchers that are hooked up to air compressors. The kids push the rocket down on them, release the valve switch and watch their rockets shoot 100 ft. in the sky. Of course you have to try catching it on the way down.

A girl had brought her two ferrets which my kids immediately had to go check out.

There was also volleyball, a 10 foot beach ball to kick around, playgroud equipment, caricature drawing, and entertainment going on. My kids were in heaven. It was also great being able to socialize with the amazing people we have in our stake. I have come to love them so much.

Unfortunately Beau either had some serious reaction to the smoke created from the burgers he was helping cook, or something got in his eye. He was in serious pain, and couldn't open it or move it without it killing him.... which led me to the 24 hour grocery store at 3 am in the morning to find any and all remedies that could possible help the guy out. It seemed to help and he could at least keep it open most of the next day. Today it's almost looking normal again.

We spent Saturday at a family reunion and spending quite some time afterwards visiting with one of Beau's cousins. It's always fun to see family, and I love getting together with Beau's side of the family. It was a packed weekend but one we really enjoyed!

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