Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I have this disease that cripples me when it comes to taking a long blogging break.  I have a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I feel like I have to go back and get you caught up on everything that has happened since my last post, which is completely overwhelming. Hence, I don't do anything. It is even more overwhelming right now because as a person I feel like I have learned so much since the beginning of the year in a variety of aspects that I want to share it all with you, and then the other part of me doesn't want to share any of it. How does that work?  It doesn't.  What results is a long absence of blogging with no writing or sharing of anything. Which is starting to wear on me.  My mind is filled with so many thoughts, ideas, and the desire to just keep a record of what is going on in our family that it feels as if it's going to explode.  The lack of time to do it also hinders me too, and keeps me from even writing a small post.  So I'm going to just shove all my reasons aside, and start small in catching up on small bits of things we've been doing and try to get back into the swing of blogging again.  I am finding that it really helps me sort thoughts, share ideas, and keep a written history of things our family is experiencing right now.

Sooo...  I'm going to start with the basics.

Last week was a huge week for us, specifically Beau.  10 years ago we started this journey together as we moved back to Provo so Beau could continue his education at BYU.

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