Monday, March 19, 2012

Why my 7 month old baby is super amazing.

I love coming into the room and finding this.  Superman and his super baby. They had found the small superman cape from his old pajamas and instantly knew that Belén needed to be adorning it.  She was oblivious to what is happening and is just there for the ride.  I really think that's why all of my younger kids seem to progress so much faster than my first born and even second born for that matter.  She doesn't do what other 7 month babies do, she lives the same life that my other four children are currently living.

She is found in the cardboard houses, cars or airplanes depending on the day. She is eating the math manipulatives, school papers, and magnifying glasses right along with everyone else. She's found in the running stroller flying around the yard with her other siblings holding her while the older ones race each other. She's found on their laps or in the adult front pack they've attached to themselves while swinging away.  I can find her laying in the hammock admiring the view of the trees, bright blue sky and the bird poop that just landed in their hair. Luckily I haven't found her up in the tree house yet, and if I'm not careful they might find a way to rig her onto their pulley system and pull her up in the bucket. 

She's playing superman with her brother, hanging out in the bedroom listening to Old Testament dramatization tapes or CD's checked out from the library.  She's crawling from one room to the next, looking for the excitement of her buddies.They can't stand to have her crying for longer than two seconds before they have to pick her up, take care of her, and haul her off to be with them.  It's no wonder people say the youngest child is spoiled. It's not necessarily because of mom and dad. It's because of the 4 other little ones like her that just want her to be a part of their world. I can't say that I would want it any other way.  They love her, they dote on her, and it's as if she just belongs with them no matter how small.  

I do have a super baby. She's pretty amazing. But she's only super because of her super siblings.

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