Thursday, February 28, 2008

A New Day

           It is a new day, and I'm going to make the most of it. We were supposed to be up at 5 to get started on it, and the alarm never went off.... so we've got to start cracking it now! I've got a couple of hours that I'm helping the sick sister again this morning, and and couple of hours without the kids to either clean up the house or design... I wonder which one will win over. :) I've been dying to design for days, and no time has allowed, so I'm going to give it some time today. This weekend we'll be heading to Idaho for the blessing of my sister's new little baby.
           Beau has got a little over a week to get his 80 page thesis done. Poor guy, feeling a little pressure lately, especially when he is really short on time. But we're going to get something done today and we're just going to go do it.

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