Thursday, February 28, 2008

Inside stuff

           I did get some designing in today! Yeah! It felt so good. The color scheme was inspired by the front of the Hallmark magazine last month. I have this picture thanks to my little photographers, who somehow got the camera when I wasn't looking. :) They are similar to my refresh colors I realize now that I've been working on the papers, but what can I say, I love pink, bold fun colors and can't seem to stay away from them.
Saturday after a long week, I snuck away to the library and flipped through a stackfull of magazines looking for inspiration for products, kits, you name it. Pages and pages later of thoughts, sketches, and ideas to expand and develop more I left relaxed and ready to get creative!

           I am keeping my goal of drawing people, even though I've been terrible about posting them here. So here are pages and pages of quick sketches as right now I'm just focusing on proportions, the basics of the face and just getting the proportions and layout engraved in my mind. Plus it's sort of relaxing to just pump out very simple basic shapes of faces over and over and over again. I came across an awesome book on drawing heads and people. I love the technique and the method that he teaches you to approach it. It is so different from all the ways I've been taught from art teachers, and I like his approach A LOT. I like his style and it fits me. So I'm excited to keep working with it.

1 comment:

  1. So were you going to share the name of that drawing book? :) So glad you got a day to sketch product designs too! Love those kind of days.


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