Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Faith Journey Crop

           Tomorrow night I'm going to be hosting a Faith Journey Crop at ScrapGirls in the chatroom @ 9:00 EST. It's basically a chance for those of all types of faith to get together and share their experiences and beliefs. It's a great chance to get strength from others who are trying to live their own faith. We will be encouraging them to write down or to scrap those spiritual experiences, trials, and things that are important to them and their growing faith.
           Tomorrow night will be a pretty general topic of - "Your personal journey of faith." It will be relaxed with a chance to get to know those that would like to participate, and learning about each others background in their beliefs and where they are on their own personal journey. There will be a PDF given out with journaling topics, quotes, scriptures and the sample layout above using one of the journaling topics: What is the most important thing about your faith that you could leave your children or posterity?
           We are hoping to continue having one every month on the 3rd Wednesday, and each time there will be a new topic. We'll also post the pdf here for any of you that might enjoy going through it and journaling your own thoughts of about the spiritual aspects of your life.
           Feel free to join us! We would love to have anyone and all faiths are welcome. Just go to ScrapGirls and click on the the chat button. If it's your first time you will need to give a username for it to show up, and you need to have java installed on your computer. It will guide you through it.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that picture of your girls!


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