Thursday, June 5, 2008

Another Day

Growing Up
           Isaac is growing up and wanting to do what we do. He especially wants to be like his dad. He follows him around copying everything that he does. Now that we have moved into the category of home owners, we are now also included in the part of home repairman. Since we've moved in Beau has been fixing little things, setting things up and has his little partner following him around, carrying tools and trying to help.
           He is definitely like his dad in interests. If he can put it together, fix it, or plug it in he is all over it. If a ball is involved he wants in on the action, he is such a boy and so much different than my girls who are all over dressing up and changing outfits 5 times a day. He is a breath of fresh air.You've Come a Long Way
           Savannah finished her season of dance class, and we have pictures, stories and videos to show off later. She has come a long way this year on overcoming her shyness. She still has a long way to go, but I'm proud of her for her improvement, she did a great job there at the end.
           I still can't find my cable to download all our recent picture from my camera! It's driving me nuts, since I want to become a little more active on this blog than I have the last little while. Plus soon Caitlyn (our newest one) will be joining us in a few weeks, and that camera needs to be emptied for all those great shots.
           Today we got our washer / dryer hooked up and working. After a year of a dryer that took 3 rounds to dry, my handyman husband ripped the whole thing apart today, cleaned out all the vents, and now has me a dryer that dries in one load! Happiest Day of my life. I got 3 - 55 gallon bins emptied and put away, slowly the unpacking will end. Mirian had a fever in the 100's all day, poor girl. All she could do was lay around, sleep and ask mom to just sit by her. Hopefully she'll having a better day tomorrow.
           Savannah was with me in the kitchen emptying boxes, and cleaning. Isaac and Mirian were taking naps while dad was working. She proudly told me that we were having a "mother-daughter date" because everyone else was gone and it was just me and her. I agreed and also hope to take her out to do something a little more fun than unpacking boxes. Hopefully tomorrow will bring more empty boxes and a camera cable.

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