Tuesday, June 24, 2008


           We are still waiting around for this baby to come, which is frustrating in a way since I feel like my life is on hold with so many things. I know I could still be working on them until she arrives, but I'm just so uncomfortable, tired and miserable it's hard to concentrate. After a long shower last night though, and getting the house all picked up and cleaned so that it felt ready for whom ever might be called on at last minute to come and watch our kids, I started feeling better. Plus our life has been off schedule forever and it's been wearing on me. So we decided to fix that this morning.
           Beau and I got up at 6:30 this morning, the first in a long time, since we've been getting to bed so late. I had time to cook some muffins and read some scriptures before we woke the kids up at 7:00 and announced to them we're going for a bike ride. So we loaded up the bikes, breakfast, and water and headed for the river trail.
           So we spent the morning walking (hoping to send me into labor - yeah right!) while the kids rode their bikes on the beautiful river trail this morning. We saw our little friend the snail and had a nice relaxing morning just getting out in some fresh air and sunshine to enjoy the morning.
           It was just what I needed, as I think everyone else in the family too. Some family time out of the house and some nature. We want to go for a walk every morning this summer and just enjoy getting out and being a little more active as a family. Plus it just gets things started in the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing beats an early morning walk. There is just something amazingly special about that time. Thanks for the reminder to do this myself.


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