Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tonight or Tomorrow....

           Caitlyn will be arriving! We're finally having contractions, nothing major, but if they don't send me in the hospital on my own tonight then tomorrow we have an induction scheduled! So hopefully you'll see some pictures or hear the word on here soon!


  1. How exciting! I was hoping that it wouldn't be too much longer for you. I know how difficult the waiting can get. I'm excited to see pictures once she comes. I'm sure she'll be adorable because you guys seriously have the cutest kids ever.

  2. Yay, how awesome! I bet she's here already. Congrats! :) Can't wait to see those adorable new, fresh from God baby photos. Good luck with everything!

  3. YEAH! Our favorite current babysitter's name is Caitlyn, and she spells it just like that. I have very warm feelings towards the name. I love your Caitlyn already. :) Hope everything goes beautifully.


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