Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Family Time

Family Reunion
           This last weekend we made a trip to Wyoming to go to my immediate family's reunion with my siblings and their families. We weren't sure if we were going to go because we have still been battling Caitlyn's Jaundice. Luckily we were given permission to leave for the weekend without having to put her back on bilirubin lights and enjoyed the couple of days with family.

           We did some projects for my parents - cutting wood and building a shed, played games, had a treasure hunt, hung out with the cousins and got to bed late every night. Can I tell you how sleep deprived I am between a newborn and family?
Photo shoot
           We were scheduled with a photographer for a photoshoot. It's been two years since our last family shot and we've added 7 more grandkids to my parents family since then. She cancelled and so we were left to ourselves. So late that night before the sun went down, we decided to quickly do one, so with 10 minutes to throw white shirts on 22 people, clean up faces, run combs through hair, and trying to look presentable with our sunburned faces. Word of advice. The evening is not the best time for little kids to be snapping their pictures. We had kids crying, crying and not too happy about sitting down. But overall we ended up with some good ones actually without having to pay for them! Here's our lastest family photo with the newest addition.


  1. This is a great picture of your family. I can't believe you have four children now!

  2. This picture turned out so beautiful Shalae! What a beautiful family you have!

  3. Oh my gosh, this is a wonderful picture of you guys! I can't believe how big your son is, and you look great! You guys are so blessed.

  4. Absolutely beautiful photo! x


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