Thursday, July 17, 2008

Life with Toddlers: Doctors

           I didn't mind going to the doctor when I had one kid, I could relax and read a magazine. Two kids wasn't so bad, the baby could stay in the carrier and I could take care of the other one. Three kids was more of a challenge and so most of the time I arranged for them to play with friends so I could take only those that really needed to go. Today was our experience with 4 kids.
           They did well and were on good behavior. Our first stop was the hospital for another Jaundice test. Poor girl. Her heels are so tender. I decided it was easier to carry her in rather than try to juggle the car seat, so with her in the left arm and Isaac in the right arm (because he refused to walk), and two girls hanging on to the side of my pants and holding hands so they were out of the way of cars.
           People kept looking at us and smiling. I'm sure it was a site to behold. I had lots of people make the comment "You've got your hands full!" After about the fourth person who said this, Savannah asked me "Why do people keep telling you that you have your hands full?" Well it's because I have a lot of kids and because my hands are full with Isaac and Caitlyn.
           We made it through the first visit and then had the regular doctors visit later. The kids love the lobby because there is a big neat fish tank and they play a movie. They are always good in the lobby. Today we sat there for quite a while and Mirian was saying she was hungry the nice nurse got her some crackers, which she assumed were just hers and didn't want anyone else to eat. I finally convinced her she could hold the package but she needed to share with everyone. Normally though you are in the lobby for about 10 minutes, and then you're sent back to the examination room where you can sit forever! The whole time trying to keep kids from pulling out all the red / hazardous material boxes, bandaids, etc. They have one kid book you can read to them, and then lots of magazines which they aren't interested in. The only thing they are interested in is a sticker at the end of the visit. If the nurse forgets to give them one then the world ends.
           Today they were good, we've enjoyed our couple of days together and they've been really good for me. I think it all has to do with my attitude though.

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