Wednesday, July 2, 2008


           Well we've been home for the last 4 days roughly getting used to the new addition to our family. For me recovery has been SO much better than the last three. That has been such a relief and I'm so grateful. My mom has been here helping out with the kids, cleaning and cooking. Doing dirty work for me... even had her doing some stuff for me for a big project I'm working on for ScrapGirls right now. It's always nice to have help and I appreciate her willingness to come and give up her time to help out. It's also nice to have things get back to their normal everyday. The kids have really needed life to return to normal as much as possible. They've had a hard time here and there. Today was a good day with all of them. Life felt back to normal, they were happy and it ended on a good note.

           This poor girl has had her billirubin results rising for the last 3 days which resulted in putting her on the lights yesterday afternoon. You just feel so bad for them having to lay there as much as possible only being able to get out to eat and get changed. Plus it's hard on mom, just wanting to hold her, cuddle her and enjoy these precious moments at the beginning of her new life. I am grateful though that this is the only health problem she's got. She was born healthy, with all her parts intact and working. That is a huge blessing.
           So for now we're recovering trying to get home life back to normalcy and enjoying the time we have to be together and this new little life that we've been blessed with.


  1. Oh Shalae, I know exactly what you're going through! Eli had to be in one of those light boxes for almost two weeks when he was born. He was in it for a week, his levels went down, and we took him out for a few days. Then his levels went up again, and back in it he had to go, for another week! It was so tough on me, not being able to hold my first baby, let alone having to take him to get his heel pricked every day.

    No one seemed to understand why it was so hard on me (thanks, mother in law!) but I knew that no one could really feel it the way I did. Not to mention the hormones going wacko after giving birth, lol. :)

    But don't worry, soon she'll be all better and everything will be great. Hang in there. :)

  2. She is BEAUTIFUL!! Congrats! You are my hero! Love to you all!


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