Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bursts of Sunshine

           Thought I would share a few bursts of sunshine from my day.
           I had the chance to start it off with a few hours up at the temple. I had an amazing experience there and was so glad I went. It was the perfect way to start a day, especially since when I awoke from a terrible nights sleep I was sure it would be a miserable day.
           What can I say. I love dandelions. They remind me of summer and although they are littering our lawn, I can't help but smile when I see them. So today I showed the girls how to make dandelion curls by throwing them in the pool that we filled up to play in. The kids thought it was just too cool.We've been enjoying the nice warm weather - getting sunburns. The girls wanted to get out the little pool, wear their swimming suits and enjoy the hot beautiful weather. Caitlyn wasn't too fond of the spraying water but enjoyed the little puddles.
           I had a chance to talk to one of my sisters and hear about her trip back east. I always enjoy talking with family.
           A night with some ScrapGirls sharing some of the Lord's tender mercies in our lives during our faith journey crop. I love being able to talk and share with these wonderful women around the world despite the different faiths and religions we practice.
           A few mintues to pull out some watercolors, and experiement with some ideas I have rolling around in my head.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Beautiful Days

           Last week a sister from our church ward stopped by with these gorgeous flowers with no reason other than just because she was thinking of me. It was so sweet of her. She's not someone that we have the opportunity to connect with on a regular basis. Her husband is the Stake President and has served in leadership positions for years and she has been the one to be on the bench taking care of her large family, and taking care of things at home while he fulfills his church responsibilities. There are a few other sisters in similar circumstances that I just felt a connection to or felt like they understood what it was like to wrestle your family by yourself while your husband was on the stand in his Bishopric calling or now as he is gone fulfilling his stake callings.
           She had noticed that I wasn't there with the kids for the Stake Easter Choir concert, and I admited that it was a battle I decided I didn't want to fight. Beau was singing in the choir with the young men from the stake, so I would be sitting with all of them by myself at the same time they are used to going to bed. I explained that we had been traveling all weekend and the kids were ornery. I felt it was better to end the day good, with everyone happy from our Easter Sunday, and getting to bed on time, than to drag them to the extra fireside that night. There I would just have to fight them, get frustrated with them because they had already sat through 3 hours of meetings and didn't want to sit through any more. I would leave frustrated, exhausted, upset and they would too.
           She completely understood. It feels good to know that other mothers know the battles we sometimes are going through. She made my day, and even my week every time I see those gorgeous flowers and knew someone had been thinking of me. Why don't I do that more often for someone else. I need to.Someone else also enjoyed them. :)Last week was our spring break and we were able to enjoy this beautiful white weather... needless to say it wasn't much of a 'spring' break stuck indoors all week. Luckily Saturday was beautiful. We had the chance to just hang out as a family, stack up on library books, run errands, get ice cream cones, get the garden ready, clean up and babysit for some friends of ours so they could go on a date. It was a wonderful day of enjoying the great weather.This girl would be escaping the house every minute if she could figure out how to open doors. On a good beautiful day if her siblings leave the door open she is gone. She loved being out on Saturday although it was a handful for mom and dad to try and convince her that dirt and rocks just aren't that good. We did not win the battle. She was convinced that they were the best things that she has ever tasted. Handfuls of dirt at a time. Whole rocks. Dirt never killed anyone right?Last fall right before the snow fell Beau finished up putting in a sandbox. We still need to dump a bit more sand but the kids are enjoying the chance to dig around, cook all kinds of incredible yummy meals and enjoy the sunshine. Right now we have gorgeous weather and they have been in that sandbox all afternoon. I've been able to sit out with the office door open, enjoy the fresh air, the birds chirping and warm weather with the kids oblivious to anything except their new little houses they keep building to live in.
           When all else fails and you can't convince the girl to not eat dirt, you lock her up in the wagon and feed her a graham crackers instead.Today has been a great start for the week. Despite my few hours of sleep, I was able to get my exercise and scriptures study in. So as of now the day is a complete and good day despite anything else that gets done. It's supposed to get up in the 80's this week. A whole week of sunshine... can anything get better than that! Beau mentioned yesterday that we just need to get me out in the sunshine for a few minutes every day. Hmmm.. the drastic change between the grumpiness/discouragement at the beginning of the week and the happy- life is so good attitude on Saturday must have made an impression. :) I admit it's true. I do so much better when I can get outside and be in the sun. Maybe that's why I loved Vegas so much. But little does he know that it was also because we finally had a chance to sit down and really talk... which sometimes is all I need too. Quality spouse time with a little sunshine added in.
           This week is going to be a good week. I can feel it and the birds are telling me from the tree tops.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Fast Trip

           Beau's family asked us to come for Easter weekend to spend time with all of his brothers and sisters in law. We couldn't make it the whole weekend, so we missed seeing half of the family. (Bummer... I was looking forward to hanging out with some sisters in law, and our niece.)
           Beau snapped this picture in the rear view mirror, while I was asleep and he was driving. Of course he declared to me how safe he was while doing it when I awoke.
           This little girl is getting too big too fast. She is just so much fun right now. She can stand up by herself for brief moments and has to be into everything. I can not keep her out of dirt. She eats fistfuls at a time, and keeps going back for more.
           A few random shots of us. I love Isaac's face! Why can't we all have that much happiness, excitement, joy and love for life all the time. We should. We have no reason not to.
           They are always excited to see the dogs. That was until 2 seconds after this picture was taken when Isaac laid on top of Beggin, causing him to let out a loud bark jumping up and scaring the living day lights out of him and Caitlyn.
           I have to admit, I'm not sure I would like to go back and live in Star Valley. But sometimes I go back where things are much slower, quieter and see all the space and wish I had a little bit more of that for my kids. There was no better place to grow up. I need that space, quiet, slowness and nature which I'm realizing more and more. Hopefully here in a year when Beau graduates we can be lucky enough to find something similar.
           There's something about boys and their bikes, trucks and big machines. Beau can't wait to go back home so he can get behind one of these bad boys and push around some massive dirt, snow or whatever is in the way. (I love that about you honey!) Savannah had to join in the fun too.
           I did tell Beau on the way home that maybe we should go home more often. It makes me fall in love with him all over again, and harder every time. He is a very smart, book, computer type of guy which is what I get to see here all the time with his handyman skills coming out here and there. But I love going back and seeing him in a whole different element. Out working, using farm equipment, riding motor bikes and interacting with his family. It makes me realize what a hard worker, talented, smart, amazing guy I ended up marrying. Really how did I get so lucky?


           It's that time of year that calls for a little Easter digital scrapbooking. I designed this one because I wanted something to scrap my kid's Easter egg hunts and dyeing eggs.
           Of course when I went to scrap a layout for the new collection I couldn't find any good pictures of my kids doing either. So that required that we take a LOT this weekend during the Easter egg festivities.
           I think we might have given Grandma's OCD a run for it's money by Isaac playing in the dye - turning him into the incredible hulk, and dumping over two buckets of dye all over the table and Savannah's new Easter clothes. :)

Great Idea!

           I  read an article at where she shared this awesome embroidery idea. It's so funny too, because this weekend when I went to my mother in law's home she has all the plaster hand prints that her kids made for her in kindergarten, as well as her husband's when he was in kindergarten. I thought how cool it was to see all the different shapes and sizes of hands, wondering if every mom is destined to get one of these for mothers day. I'm not a lover of the plaster look, and so I loved the way these turned out. Plus I can definitely make some of my own from my children's hands before they grow up and in case I miss out on the plaster kind. :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Beautiful Easter Morning

           Happy Easter. What a beautiful Sunday morning it is. What a great time to remember how we are and will be nothing with out the atoning sacrifice our of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
           I'm so grateful for him. For the stregnth he gives me on a daily basis. For his perfect example. For his atoning sacrifice which makes it possible for me to repent and experience peace and joy. For the opportunity we have to overcome death, and for my family to be together as a family eternally beyond this mortal life. No matter what happens to us here physically, we will be together again. Nothing brings me greater peace admist all of life's challenges. No matter how hard, lonely or difficult life may be, in the end I know there is a God to support me through it all and his loving Son Jesus Christ who understands and can succor me. That ye may seek him out and come unto him to find rest and peace to your souls is my wish for you this beautiful Easter morning.