Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bursts of Sunshine

           Thought I would share a few bursts of sunshine from my day.
           I had the chance to start it off with a few hours up at the temple. I had an amazing experience there and was so glad I went. It was the perfect way to start a day, especially since when I awoke from a terrible nights sleep I was sure it would be a miserable day.
           What can I say. I love dandelions. They remind me of summer and although they are littering our lawn, I can't help but smile when I see them. So today I showed the girls how to make dandelion curls by throwing them in the pool that we filled up to play in. The kids thought it was just too cool.We've been enjoying the nice warm weather - getting sunburns. The girls wanted to get out the little pool, wear their swimming suits and enjoy the hot beautiful weather. Caitlyn wasn't too fond of the spraying water but enjoyed the little puddles.
           I had a chance to talk to one of my sisters and hear about her trip back east. I always enjoy talking with family.
           A night with some ScrapGirls sharing some of the Lord's tender mercies in our lives during our faith journey crop. I love being able to talk and share with these wonderful women around the world despite the different faiths and religions we practice.
           A few mintues to pull out some watercolors, and experiement with some ideas I have rolling around in my head.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Shalae, I just checked your other blog and read about your poor back! Was it really a raquetball injury? That is one hard core sport! Julia took a hit to the eye a few months back(not by me)(it was her fiance)and had to go to a specialist and the eye still isn't back to normal yet! Drop me a line sometime and I'll fill you in on Julia and her upcoming wedding!


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