Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Beautiful Easter Morning

           Happy Easter. What a beautiful Sunday morning it is. What a great time to remember how we are and will be nothing with out the atoning sacrifice our of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
           I'm so grateful for him. For the stregnth he gives me on a daily basis. For his perfect example. For his atoning sacrifice which makes it possible for me to repent and experience peace and joy. For the opportunity we have to overcome death, and for my family to be together as a family eternally beyond this mortal life. No matter what happens to us here physically, we will be together again. Nothing brings me greater peace admist all of life's challenges. No matter how hard, lonely or difficult life may be, in the end I know there is a God to support me through it all and his loving Son Jesus Christ who understands and can succor me. That ye may seek him out and come unto him to find rest and peace to your souls is my wish for you this beautiful Easter morning.

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