Thursday, March 26, 2009


           Like I've said... I've been having way too much fun crocheting. The girls were invited to a birthday party for one of their friends tomorrow and so we've been trying to come up with some handmade birthday presents to avoid spending any money. Using up what we already have on hand. I ran across this pattern on raverly. (Raverly is way too cool and way too addicting. There are too many cute things you can find on there.)
           So we thought we'd give it a spin and make one for a birthday present since Savannah informed me that her friend doesn't have very many crowns. I modified the pattern a bit and of course everyone had to try it once before we gave it away.
           There's something satisfying about picking very small projects to work on. You can do them fast and they actually get finished! Of course we're going to have to make a few more of these in endless colors. :) I thought they might be cute too with different felt shapes, or flowers sewn on the front, or even personalize them with some names embroidered on the front as well. We're hoping today we can finish up the other part of the present - play food.


  1. How cute! I bought the stuff to learn to do this once...then I boxed it all up and sent it to my Grandma with a note that said "Please return as an afghan! Love Lisa!" lol I know...I am bad!

  2. These are adorable! May have to sign grandma up for this one, as I don't crochet! :)

  3. SO CUTE!! I guess I need to learn how to crochet! What a GREAT gift.

  4. LOVE these!!! I love crochet, so fast and easy and I can actually finish something :)

  5. Those are so gorgeous, Shalae! And yes, the smaller projects are so rewarding. Happy Easter! x


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