Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Our weekend project

           Thanks to Mandy we couldn't hold out any longer and had to create our own animals. The girls had drawn these pictures up at the beginning of the week and kept asking me all weekend if I had sewn their "tiger" and "turtle" yet.
           I finally just bit the bullet and made them up this weekend. Bad idea. Now I'm addicted too. They were just too fun to put together and see the little drawings come alive. At first Beau kept looking at my cutting and sewing asking me what I was doing. Then a few minutes later asking me again "now what are you doing?" I'd reply I'm making some stuffed animals from the kid's drawings. He couldn't quite get the vision.
           Until the next morning when Mirian ran up to him after he got home for his early morning all excited to show him "her" tiger. Then his response has been "these are really cool" "you did a great job honey" "these are just too fun." Mirian then declared that mom was going to be making "him" into a pillow to give him. A few weeks ago she drew a picture of mom on one side of the paper and dad on the other side of the paper and gave it to us declaring that she had made a picture of us going on a date. It was just too cute and the pictures are too fun. So I saved it, and mentioned to her that we should make them up into some pillows. Beau asked me if it was going to be reversible. On one side his face and the other side my face just like she drew it. :)
           I have to admit I thought they would enjoy seeing it made up, but I wasn't really prepared to see how excited they were and how proud they were of it. Once Savannah saw Mirian's tiger done up, she could hardly contain herself and couldn't wait for me to do her turtle. She had to take things in her own hand and sew on a few of the spots herself so it could be made faster. She also wanted to take it to show and tell for school. Since the theme for the day was "something with words that you can read", we had to be creative. I had her write Lizzy the Turtle (what she named it) on her drawing so she had the words, and then took both of them. That way she met the criteria and she could show her drawing and her stuffed animal mom had made her. I'm sure we'll be making more. In fact it gave me some great ideas for cheap decorations in my kitchen and in their bedrooms.
           What I'm really wanting to do now is make some personalized dolls for everyone. Especially for Caitlyn. Isaac will hopefully get his monster made soon. (Savannah drew one up). I'm also wanting to embroidery a bunch of their drawings on some tea towels for some grandmothers. I think it's just too much fun and a great way to use these piles of drawings we have laying around.


  1. These are so ADORABLE! Wow, you got them done so fast. I think you have made a truly lasting impression on your kids and really empowered them her! Fantastic post!

  2. These are so cute! I love them!! I've purchased my felt too.....I guess Mandy got us both! LOL!! Now just to get to it right? ;)

  3. These are adorable! The Tippetts family rocks!

    Can't wait to see yours launa!

  4. I just thought about Mandy's little felt people this afternoon and thought I might give this a try! They are extraordinary Shalae and a big thank you to you and Mandy for sharing your creativity with us!

  5. How adorable! I love it. :) I got some felt the other day for a different fun project, I'll have to post for you to see. I bet your kids just loved the way they turned out. Too fun. :)

  6. These are awesome! How did you do it? And I was expecting and still waiting to see the doll versions of you and Beau. That's a great idea- especially if mom or dad have to go away overnight or something- the kids can cuddle with them for comfort.

  7. I've been giving these a lot of thought too! I'm waiting to get to a store to get some felt and might try my hand at some. They are SO cute! Great job!

  8. Cute! How did you make them-just felt and stuffing? Darling. You are so creative-when do you find time to make stuff like this?

  9. That is the CUTEST thing I have ever seen! You are a genius.


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